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MERRY CHRISTMAS and Happy Holidays! ... 12-24-15+ '...A galvanizing occasion that promotes humanitarianism and social conscientiousness should not be allowed to be used as a tool for sewing divisions within humanity by the selfish and the wicked that stand to gain from such divisions...' 12-24-15+ '...Much false ado has been made about "Merry Christmas" offending people that is, in actuality, a far departure from reality. It is a manufactured divisive propaganda that is similar to that of someone from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue that has been accused of taking away American guns since January 2009; yet there are more guns' ownership today as compared to said date...' 12-23-15+ '...History does not write itself without the input from the Creatures of Nature; same History is most unkind to same Creatures that elect to do nothing when opportunities present themselves for shaping History positively for all Creations of Nature...' 12-22-15Happy Holidays and MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Show moreA number of American doctors would like to see Herberprot, now being used to treat diabetes in 26 countries, tested in the U.S. after a decades-long embargo.
+ In fact, something radical would have to be done to keep up with
the emergent acute demand for Healthcare workers in U.S. that is
incidental to the passage of A.C.A. into law. This may even give added
impetus for the diplomatic recognition of Cuba that exports Healthcare
Workers to other countries of the World. ... E.N. 2-5-14 + The
Country (is) in severe need of Nurses and other trained Health Care
Professionals, given the aging baby boomer generation..... Relative to
the urgent need for trained Health Care
Professionals, as well as other strategic reasons, the Country should
consider the '...The Ricefication (diplomatic recognition) Of Cuba...',
whose primary export is highly trained Health Professionals... If Libya
and Viet Nam, why not Cuba? (Thursday, September 20, 2007 10:33 AM_____www.nbcnews.com/nightly-news/video/doctors-hope-thawing-relations-bring-cuban-diabetes-drug--herberprot--to-u.s.-483127363926
+ Happy 4th Of July to every one! As one celebrates the birth of U.S.A.,
all should not forget to be thankful to the Native Americans, on whose
soil the American experiment took hold in the 1700s. Said Native
Americans should also be thanked for making it possible for the earliest
immigrants to have enough food sustenance with which to celebrate the
first ever Thanksgiving on their native land. ... E.N. July 3, 2015
+ U.S. Supreme Court please take note of the Definition Of the Word "STATE" as it relates to the A.C.A.'s "established by the state" matter...The word "STATE" is related to the word "STATUS", which means a condition. Said condition can be a singular item, as well as a grouping of items.Thus, "STATE" could apply to to provincial subdivisions of a Country, as well as to the Country itself. For this reason, U.S.A. is a STATE, even though she has states or regions as sub-groups. It is equally for this reason that the terms 'STATE Department" and "Secretary of STATE" were not accidental, nor are they misnomers. ... 3-9-15______Dictionary Definitions Of State: State (polity), the organization of the body politic; could also be a legal person Sovereign state, a sovereign political entity in public international law Nation state, a state which coincides with a nation Member state, a member of an international organization such as the United Nations Federated state, a political entity forming part of a
Show more+ '...Mr. Bob Marley, of the Reggae fame, drove a BMW in his days. The initial, B.M.W., is also concurrently that for both Bavarian Motor Works, as well as for Bob Marley And The Wailers. Flash forward to the present day, and there is a cute and funny advertisement by BMW for its I-3 (I-Three) Hybrid Car that features Bryant Gumbel and Katey Couric... ("Allison, can you explain I-3?", asks Ms. Couric.) It is interesting that Bob Marley's backing vocal group was the I-Threes. Happy Birthday Bob! ...' 2-8-15
Show moreThe US and Cuba announce moves to normalise relations in a major policy shift, following the release by Cuba of US contractor Alan Gross.
CUBA: Impossibility Is An Unseen Possibility ( www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-30516740 )_____+ Sectors that would be greatly impacted by the establishment of diplomatic relations between U.S. and Cuba are Health, Agriculture, Automobile, Financial Services, Communications and Construction. Cuba's main export for years now has been Health Care Manpower. A symbiotic relationship could emerge, given U.S.' need for a trained Healthcare Workforce, especially with the recent establishment of Obamacare (A.C.A.) in U.S. that provides expanded care for more U.S. population.As regards the Auto Sector, there will be a great demand for used cars and used vehicular spare parts in Cuba for years to come, as these would be the more affordable initially to most of her population. Transportation of these to Cuba will be in demand, as well as for new cars. These build a strong case for Transmodal Logistics' Centers within the Auto Manufacturing Centers of the Mid-West, not only for Automobile, but also for Steel, and
Show more+ '...He that lies habitually with conviction is more believable to a naive and misinformed public than the tongue that speaks truth and facts with hesitation...' 11-1-14
Show more+ '...People should be careful to not equate loud emphatic voices with meaningful, constructive actions, while at the same time, underestimating quitely measured utterances... More often than not, mouths that speak softly tend to carry bigger self-assured wands...' Sept 16, 2014
Show more+ '...The mere appearance of justice does not mean real justice... Afterall, there was a judicial system in Nazi Germany...' Aug 20, 2014 + '...Justice is not always blind..., more especially where there are agendas within agendums...' Aug 13, 2014
Show more+ '...There is hardly freedom when and where people cannot breathe...' July 29, 2014
Show moreFrom Yahoo Finance: The Affordable Care Act has been successful at...
Major New Study Says Obamacare Is Working — Even For Republicans finance.yahoo.com/news/major-study-says-obamacare-working-152200497.html
Show moreHAPPY 4th Of JULY U.S.A.!!!_______+ '...People, becoming better informed on matters affecting the Country is more patriotic than flag-waving and mouthing off false bumper sticker slogans...'+ Ask yourself this?: Would there have been a United States Of America had the present pluralistic majority of the current U.S. Supreme Court been the leaders during the time of U.S. Revolution and subsequent War Of Independence? ... July 4, 2014
Show more+ '...Like Democracy, Freedom is a burden of choices, which must be carried willingly, selectively, and carefully...' HAPPY 4th Of JULY, 2014
Show more+ When it comes to world-cup soccer teams, every country is well served by picking only gentle-men and gentle-women that are above average intelligence as members of their country's team makeup. Thugs and touts are best left behind where they can conduct their undisciplined acts without penalizing the chances of a country's fortune. Futball requires a modicum level of intelligence and discipline for success. That is why sometimes the most individually talented teams do not always win. It is almost guaranteed that the most individually talented group of players will not win the the 2014 World Cup. Now, ask yourself why? June 18, 2014
Show more+ No one has perfected the art of "push-polling" more so than the "false-equivalency-media establishment (FEME)". What this establishment generally does, is to spend weeks before a so-called polling, painting an official that happens to be an object of polling in the most negative of lights... and if said official happens to be performing well above his or her opponents, the FEME makes it a point of duty to to use false equivalency reporting to bring the person down a few pegs in the manner of "everyone is at fault", or, "there is enough fault to go around". The end result is a confused and misinformed public that is then polled for a desired polling result; thereby engendering desired controversies that boost the "ratings' gods"... June 18, 2014+ '...A focus on polling of the ignorant with expectations of meaningful outcomes is laughable at best...' E.N. 11-24-10+ '...A polling of the ignorant can only be expected to yield ignorant results...' EN July 9, 2010
Show more+ The Passing Of Kismet...Back
in the years when Myspace was MYSPACE, a group got together with a view
towards galvanizing blogs that were being shared by Myspace users into
works that could be a movement for public good. The idea was to form
Communities that would be owned and run by its Members, which in turn,
would lunch monetize-able projects, whose proceeds could be used for
public service. That was how one got to know Ms. Kismet
Armstrong. She was one of the Core Staff Persons of the INBEAT-Health
and INBEAT-Help at one time. Each of those Communities were charged with
publishing collaborative books by its Members. That was as from 2008.When
Myspace became a shadow of its former self, some INBEAT (International
Beat) Members migrated to the Facebook Platform and got reconnected. One
those was Ms. Kismet, who has been under ill health for some time now.
Sadly, news of her passing reached us today.May '...The Spiritual Force...' always be with her!EN ... June 12, 2014
+ '... It is considerably harder for the untrustworthy to trust others,
even when the object if distrust is the epitome of integrity...' June
7, 2014
'...Depending on a person's experiences of the past, present, and the
person's mental disposition, the future can be a beacon of hope, the
past -- a stepping stone of learning, and the present -- a laboratory
for applying heretofore learned experiences...' June 7, 2014
About 10 million are newly insured, another 2 million are covered under their parents' policies.
+ '...The war against ignorance is a war of caring and concern for humanity...' 6-1-14 ____ www.motherjones.com/kevin-drum/2014/06/latest-gallup-numbers-confirm-10-12-million-newly-insured-under-obamacare
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