  • Classic - Myy niggahs to dah fulLest . AYOOO . Mix Photo
    <font color="blue"><i><big>Noww Noww Noww loL Koka myy niggah yoo . ! Stayy keepinn shxtt Craccinn . (Bhudd uhmm</big></i></font>
  • Classic - Myy niggahs to dah fulLest . AYOOO . Mix Photo
    <font color="purple"><i><big>AYOOOOO . ! ! ! bRoo $tayy onn hiss Hispanicc typee WiFEYSs yuh heaR . bRoo gotta m</big></i></font>
  • Classic - Myy niggahs to dah fulLest . AYOOO . Mix Photo
    <font color="blue"><i><big>Awww . . Look att myy Twinn $hantee . ! L♥vee yuh bRoo . Commentt</big></i></font>
  • Classic - Myy niggahs to dah fulLest . AYOOO . Mix Photo
    <font color="RED"><i><big>Myy bRoo Nutt . Myy bRoo stayy onn hiss trapinn shxtchuu heaR mee . Fuckk yuh hatinn a</big></i></font>
  • Classic - Myy niggahs to dah fulLest . AYOOO . Mix Photo
    <font color="red"><i><big>Mann dhis myy liL bRoo . Broo gott onn hiss shxt mann . (WelL hee alwayss been onn</big></i></font>
  • Classic - Myy niggahs to dah fulLest . AYOOO . Mix Photo
    <font color="red"><i><big>Myy bRoo CurT .C.P.P. alL dayy myy niggah</big></i></font>
  • Classic - Myy niggahs to dah fulLest . AYOOO . Mix Photo
    <font color="purple"><i><big>&&ndd teww myy niggah right heree , I'm $creaminn AYOOOOO teww yuh myy niggah .</big></i></font>
  • Classic - Myy niggahs to dah fulLest . AYOOO . Mix Photo
    <font color="black"><i><big>Ahaa ; noww dhiss niggah right heaa PHunny as helL mann . Dhiss myy bRoo Dukee . bRo</big></i></font>
  • Classic - Myy niggahs to dah fulLest . AYOOO . Mix Photo
    <font color="blue"><i><big>Ayeeee cudd up[p] bxtchh . ! lmao0 iDONT knoww anybodiee whoo cann beat dhis mann inn</big></i></font>
  • Classic - Myy niggahs to dah fulLest . AYOOO . Mix Photo
    <font color="RED"><i><big>Ahaa ; dhis bee myy dah niggah dahtt bee onn yuhr LOCAL danceofF against suhm oF yuhr </big></i></font>
  • Classic - Myy niggahs to dah fulLest . AYOOO . Mix Photo
    <font color="RED"><i><big>Ayeeee . ! Myy bRo POP . ! Hee stayy pulLinn B O M B FemaLes iTELL yuh ;) Stayy on his</big></i></font>
  • Classic - Myy Broo . ;) Mix Photo
    <i><font color="green">Yoo dhiss bee dahh broo rightt hehh mann . Youu knoww alwayss keepinn itt lockedd Neww York</font></i>
  • Classic - Myy niggahs to dah fulLest . AYOOO . Mix Photo
    <font color="black"><i><big>Ahaa ; dhiss niggah right herE iss dah bRoo Rio . Dhiss niggah teww PHunny loL Hee w</big></i></font>
  • Classic - Myy niggahs to dah fulLest . AYOOO . Mix Photo
    <font color="purple"><i><big>Dhiss niggah bee dah Acee Qwan . Dhis niggah stayy ReaDyy teww dump att anyy niggah</big></i></font>
  • Classic - Myy niggahs to dah fulLest . AYOOO . Mix Photo
    <font color="black"><i><big>Ayee dhis dah niggah iCALL myy bRoo yoo . ! Soo free himm mainee . Dhis dah bruthaa </big></i></font>

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