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Show moreDownload this cover on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/fr/album/thriller-single/id919719807 Lyrics and music by Rod Temperton All instruments and voices per...
Hi Guru Ji,THRILLER by Monsieur is now available on iTunes. itunes.apple.com/fr/album/id919719807 . Have a good week
Show moreDownload on iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/fr/album/2021/id568106123
Hi Guru Ji, "the encounter" is on iTunes. itunes.apple.com/fr/album/2021/id568106123 . Have a good week
Show moreМузыка, вокал, фортепиано: Ксения Ес Скрипка: Tifa Стихи: Лина Костенко Music, vokals, piano: Ksenia Yes Violin: Tifa Lyrics: Lina Kostenko Очима ти сказав м...
Hi! I posted a new song. I dedicate it to my beloved Ukraine. Write your opinion! For me it is very important :)youtu.be/T3rP4_m64Sc
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