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13 14
Grenada, MS
  • Hey baby! I miss you! I am thankful I finally found a way to share my thoughts and feelings with you in a private way! It's hard to message someone EVERYDAY for 10 years and then just be cut off all I once! I miss you so badly!! Every time I masturbate I break down in tears because I will never experience you sexually again. I will never be able to make love to you again. That makes me angry. We were soulmates!!!! Now your gone!!! What the hell am I supposed to do? I have such miserable moments without you! My routine is pretty much the same it just doesn't include you. It's pretty lonely but of course you know that! I love you so much. Thank you for the butterflies! Peace and love sweetheart! Rest in peace baby!

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    remove angela ables
  • I miss you Randy!! I logged into my space and found that we have a picture of us from about 5 years ago. It was the christmas parade the year you started at windsor. 2008.. I love you and i will die loving you. I promise. I cant wait to see you one day. I miss you terribly. I cry everyday!! Please come see me in my dreams!! It would be so pleasant!!

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    remove angela ables

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