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Freemasons are different from your Illuminati & kinda like Templars but not the same masons where banished for predictions all seeing eye Rothschild snake area 51 pit dea cia secert service oil franchises bilderberg banks stock markets cosinos all controld by illuminati president can't change much without the alright from the others thy have it set up in the way thy won't it thy use each new president as a puppet to manipulation the minds but to keep them in control same as the puppets music movie artists your skullbones are made of presidents Secretary's 322 911 Vatican aliens moon bases Pentagon music movies symbols used within them from words to symbols lyrics in music Its how every Idol uses the herb & It opens the pneal glads from the pressure as Its collected on the mind the herb release s the pressure thin opening the third eyes with the music as thy sit think about the words within music from how its put togeather that manipulates the mind to think with the beats tune from how you see your kingdom how you use the things happening within music from the things happening in others lifes makes them wont to listen as thy walk under the garden of lights christs agony in the garden of lights. The illuminati use anything that makes money facebook Internet media news franchises to movies skateboarding towns police actors music porn to the positions to the symbols put within the movies music to words used in music movies tv commercicals sublimanal messages to merchindise clothing food anything with a logos like signing those papers branches of goverment stock market the population effect it has on everything everyone's lifes as thy have to pay bills taxes that balance out the material s used bought for each family that are used each day from barcodes 666 same with the hand implants for every beast that eats or uses any materials to the tax that's place upon them for the balance of the materials resources so we have enough for next generations to the technology we use in are homes each every day & fuel oil balance of the economy. Sticks sheet rock insulation wires tiles carpet lights fans sinks toilets pipeline liquid cement vanities bathtubs roofing taping beding felt measurement cut place brase support granite friming baseboards trim furniture water pipe lines hot cold doorfriming locks bricks draw design vents air ducks Windows mud cocking foundation same with your sky scraper s materials used for wind control earth quakes steal used beams Windows design of the buildings placement of each temple under the garden same with the franchises shopping malls & centers materials used for each one wood concrete sheetrock wiring foundation s pipeline s piping airducting logos.
How schools teach that basic history science that keeps each new genaration in that goverment loop or lie to keep it all going in that way from all the cover ups made with presidents & bands movie actors just to keep that lie going so thy can keep there system or new world order in effect population effect of there changes to the small things within each idols life there all slaves if you control the head you control the body same with video game design from what can be put within them messages symbols graphics artwork logos. From how magazines books go togeather from the storys pictures artwork people put within them It's how books go together how the writer see the kingdom how the story goes together that catches the attention of the readers from the words to the way it's put together to what the stories are about that makes the minds go into that realm of interested that makes them stay into the story from how the idols are used in the storys as each day is scene to the eyes of the garden of lights same how the government system is balanced out the kingdom & where all used within it thin the president can't Change much because of the because of the government like jfk & Abraham like someone that makes a new law thin watching it change with that population effect thin another come in & try to change it up & sit back & watch us burn within it that new way or change made that government system thin cause more problems as the population increases more jobs needed economy bad & currency need for more materials needed for homes & food needed taxes go up gas prices go up more vehicle needed prices change in the dealerships there parts thy need for there new vehicle cause for price change thin corporation business are haveing less jobs from all the population increase so not much work around everyone won'ts something in life or that new thing or go to college same in colleges population increase more materials needed for colleges for teachers & students. Why does hayley not talk about the illuminati or the skull n bones why does she say no commit why does she not talk with us well to be who thy are thy have to stand behind the illuminati & the currency to be who thy are as music puppet s & president so thy have to stand for all the lies cover ups Joe Biden.Mitch McConnell, Susan Collins John Boehner, John McCain, Pete king, Wendy LeBlanc, Mohammed Morse, Vladimir Putin, Chuck Schumer, linosey graham, Saxby Chambliss, c.a. dutch ruppersberger Ron wyden, Mark vdall, Ricky Perry Barbara boxer, John Kerry,
Been in prison for 4 months.
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