P. S love Landen I love you your family and Jesse
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P. S love Landen I love you your family and Jesse
Show moreNathan you were my best friend, still are I miss you everyday, I so proud to have been your friend growing up! We never had a bad time even in our bad times, turns out they were the best times! I'll never forget, we got in trouble we got in fights but they turned into the best friend zone! You would go first for the big jumps in conifer, you had the courage I thought I had! But it was always you! You were great at life and smarter then anybody I knew. Nathan I thank you for making my child hood the best time of my life! I hope I can love my life the best I can and stay happy For you! I'll never forget our times! Thanks for new people coming in my life and showing you through they're own experiences! I know your there I feel you!
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