yo am 22 years old ben in mexco for almost 5 years weres evreybody at i mis my home toun salinas ca sun al go back see whats good
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yo am 22 years old ben in mexco for almost 5 years weres evreybody at i mis my home toun salinas ca sun al go back see whats good
Show moreyo am drunck what the fuck y rember a was bot a alcojaleck yo sameting hapen deam y ben in mexco for way to mach taime meby in a yeat o 2 al go back to salinas dem y mis my home taun and if y hade achuel frendes yo this is my number 4591093963 am in michuacan mexico
Show morethere no going back i was in salinas sins i was five now i know that evrithing was fack all a liiy sallinas will allwas be my home know liy bot know mexico is were am ging to be wored on that
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