Slowly going insane. ....
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Slowly going insane. ....
Show more:/
Show moreThe worst feeling is not talking to u.....:/
Show moreI hate this.....hate feeling this way....slowly going insane
Show moreI'm slowly going insane, if u only knew wats going thru my head shit would be different :( .......
Show moreI'm slowy going insane......
Why why why????
Show moreI don't understand why....
That ONE has disappeared Wtf...
Why? Again?
Show moreI hate waking up feeling the way I do :( is not the best to start my day.... :(
Show moreI hate this shit not being able to talk u....
Show morei hate it when u don't talk to me....
Show moreWhy should I care if u don't.....
Hate feeling this way :/ ftw
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