ZOYA ( Bulgarian : ЗОЯ ЗИПОВА) (born December 31.
1985) , who's birth name is ZoyaZipova , is a singer , songwriter and recording artist. ZOYA was born and raised in Plovdiv,Bulgaria. Since early age she has been interested in music and fine arts. At the age of 4 she goes to aballet school where she dances for a few years. Later on, in the Middle school she is
always taking part in different school shows, hosting events and singing programs. Hertalent for singing is discovered by her music teacher in the middle school , where later onshe continues developing at the High school. Being in front of the camera seems natural forZOYA, that's why at the age of 15 her mother put her into a modeling school. The coursetakes a few months and she receives International diploma of modeling from MarinellaAgency.
At the age of 17 she is studying in two schools at the same time, history and literature inthe Humanitarian School and opera along with piano at the Music Academy. At that time shesings classical music and takes part in different tv and radio shows. Impressed by hertalent the Italian Consul in Bulgaria becomes an official sponsor for a concert dedicated tothe Italian music in Bulgaria. At this concert she presents 22 songs of the best Italianmusic. The concert takes place in her home town Plovdiv and has huge success.
After graduating from High school ZOYA joins the University where she studies Economics,she likes it.
At the age of 20 she decides to travel the world and she moves to Florida, USA where shegets involved in different activities such as hosting dance contests, karaoke events etc.
At that time she gets into the gambling business where she learns 9 different casino games.After 3 years in Miami she moves to Dublin ,Ireland where she meets interesting people fromthe poker world and she gets invited to work at different poker events around the world. Atthat time she doesn't make music but the passion for it, is always with her. In Dublin she isinvited to be the official face of a casino advertisement. The commercial was shown in UKand Ireland. Later on she shoots for different magazines (FHM) and also has a photo sessionin Paris for swimming suits.
Always looking for new challenges and adventures, ZOYA moves to Nice, France where shespends one year. Traveling around the world with poker events becomes a part of her lifeand in 2010 she is invited to join the best poker team of the world - PokerStars. Travelingthe world gives her different view of life and the opportunity to learn new languages ( at themoments she speaks 4 languages), she enjoys it a lot but she never loses the passion formusic.
In one of her trips to Dublin, she meets a poker player who offered her to do a songtogether. He brings her to a music studio and there she meets the producer. After the duet,the song is recorded. She starts to work with the Irish producer and together they write 2songs - "Falling Stars" and "If you Wanna... "
A few months later she decides to try something different and ZOYA gets into progressivehouse. Together with Southy they create a remix of "If you Wanna" and a new original song"Walking into Heaven".