I want to use this to say a little about myself.
I grew up mostly living in small towns some of the time in Oklahoma and some in Texas. I grew up with two sisters one older, one younger and an older brother. In middle school I played football and participated in band playing the alto saxophone and also ran cross country. In high school I played basketball and baseball. betweeen my junior and senior years I had a spinal surgery done during which titanium rods were fused to my back to fix a condition I had called Kyphosis. I was very lucky to have been able to have this done at Texas Scottish Rites hospital as they are a wonderful group that help many kids with many different severe medical conditions and never charges a dime. I am a strong supporter of this hospital and this event ultimatly shaped my future ambitions and goals. I graduated from high school at Bland High School located in the small north Texas town of Merit in 2010 as third in my class of 39. That fall I started college at the University of Oklahoma in Norman Oklahoma. While in school there I met many of my best friends including my friend Cameron who introduced me to Advocare, a health and wellness company and led me to become a distributor of their products. I also was very involed in with a group called Paradigm (Technically Baptist collegiate ministry). I also participated in itramural softball and was the captain of my team themy junior and senior years. I graduated from the University of Oklahoma in the December of 2014 with a Bachelor's degree in electrical engineering. Currently I am in set to start a graduate program in Electrical Engineering at Texas A&M University the fall 2015 semester. I plan to earn my masters and use what I learn to help develope new and improve carrunt electrical devices that are used in medical field. During this break for me while I am waiting for the fall 2015 semester I am helping my mom prepare to move and helping my little sister with her high school work since she does an online home school. I am also really seeking to get my Advocare distibutorship really going.
Now I really want to talk about Advocare. Advocare is a amazing health and wellness company. They have a large variety of products that pose many different benifits. My personal favorite Advocare product is Spark (a major seller) as it has helped me many of sleepless nights spent studying and working on projects in college. I strongly promote the 24 Day challenge pakage as it is a great way to get a head start on your goals and it definatly help me get started . I sell Advocare products because they have helped me, I trust the products, I trust the company and I know that it can help anyone achieve goals no matter if it is as a user experienceing the benefits of the products or as a distributor makeing money selling the products.
please take a look at the products at my site:
Or if you think you might be iterested in being a distributor:
email me: zachb3968@gmail.com
look at this page to learn about becoming a distrbutor:
and if you decide to become a distributor you can do that here: