WILL "THE THRILL" VIHARO is a "gonzo pulp" author and B movie impresario.
For 13 years he was host, programmer and producer of the live "cult movie cabaret" (B movies, live bands and burlesque) "Thrillville."Viharo's books include the genre-mashing grindhouse noir A MERMAID DROWNS IN THE MIDNIGHT LOUNGE; the Runyonesque fable CHUMPY WALNUT; the exploitative crime satire DOWN A DARK ALLEY; the sexually charged confessional LAVENDER BLONDE; the bizarro pornographic horror novella FREAKS THAT CARRY YOUR LUGGAGE UP TO THE ROOM; the erotic sci-fi epic IT CAME FROM HANGAR 18 (with Scott Fulks); and the quirky mystery romance LOVE STORIES ARE TOO VIOLENT FOR ME, currently in development as a feature film by Christian Slater, who will direct and star as the story's protagonist, Vic Valentine, Private Eye. "Love Stories" has long been out of print but is being reissued in a revised edition by Gutter Books of Portland in the summer of 2013. The sequels to "Love Stories" have been published and are currently available as "double features": FATE IS MY PIMP with ROMANCE TAKES A RAIN CHECK, and I LOST MY HEART IN HOLLYWOOD with DIARY OF A DICK.

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