The German hardcore sextet Waterdown has consisted of members Christian Kruse, (bass), Holger Behrens (guitar), Jörg Schwoeppe (drums), Claus Wilgenbusch (guitar), Ingo Rieser (vocals), and Marcel Bischoff (vocals).
Formed in April of 2000, the band opened up for Toronto hardcore thrashers Grade on their short German tour in the summer of 2000, which resulted in Grade's vocalist and bassist (Kyle Bishop and Matt Jones) helping Waterdown land a recording contract with the Victory label. The band spread its cause further by opening for such other outfits as Snapcase, Boy Sets Fire, Avail, and Jimmy Eat World. Their debut recording, Never Kill the Boy on the First Date, was issued in May of 2001, and the band's explosive second album, The Files You Have on Me, appeared two years later. Bishchoff left the band late that year but was not replaced. The stripped-down group released the intense All Riot in early 2006. ~ Greg Prato

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