A Brief History of a Band So Utterly Perverseand Impious That The Very Mentioning of Its Name Sends Shudders ofInexpressible Trepidation and Disgust Down the Spine of Any Given MaidenTreading The Blessed Soil of the Minuscule Holy Enclave Known by the Name ofSlovenia.
The abominable idea of creating such a horridcreature was the gruesome emanation of somber broodings spawned in the profoundobscurities of Hermanno’s and T.’s blackened hearts, deriving itsdiabolical strength and vividness from sadomasochistic and scatological imageryof torture, incest and rape rooted deeply in their souls by the feverishlypursued studies of pornography and gore. The diabolical scheme was put intoexistence when yet another imp, Matko, joined their perverse ranks and thus itcame to pass that with a tumultuous roar of dissonant atonality the heinousbastard child aforementioned was born. T.’s fetishistic growls andscurrilous grunts, accompanied with disharmonious, vagina smashing chords ofHermanno’s heinous guitar, and Matko’s anal dilating and ripping battery blastsformed the core of the obscene whirlwind that swept swiftly across the land.Joined later by cacophonic necrophilous stanzas of Davor’s four-stringed furythe blasphemous formation now poisons the sterile morality of young virginalmaidens, raping their tight pussies, filling their anuses with pungent spermand adorning their bonny faces with reeking feces. ;)
Mataj left the Band do to Education reasons.The replace was found in a good friend of us Blaz Gradinski. After Blaz came toBand also Davor left the Band. We countinued as a Fourheadbeast and played alot of concerts with Bands like (Dying Fetus, Napalm Death, Nile, Incantation,Abrasive, Sanatorium, etc.). Also because of education reasons our Vocalist T. decided to take another step in his life and left the band, but hi helpedthe band with his amazing lyrics, in 2007. In 2009 also Blaz left the Bandbecause of personal reasons, but he recorded the Bass for the second realese„Passion of Perversity“. His replacment was found in a guy by the name Ozrenkokol from the Bands Nucleus and Trembling Madness. Also after a rehearsel anew Vocalist Jure Lindic joined the band. The time has pass and here is now our new realese „Passion of Perversity“ that hasbeen realesed on the 28.8.2009.
The new Stuff is much more complexer, muchmore brutal and more perverted.
Check it out.