A multi-facets musician, Stéphane aka Uzul, has been working for years to assert his style.
Initially in charge of samplers and effects within the group of electrodub Kalylivedub, he subsequently launched Hybrid Sound System a breakbeat duo, then the hiphop noise band Uzulprod who just released his new album. At the same time, he presents his project 4GetMeNot, this time, with a more Ukbass & techno style. In perpetual renewal, it imposed by his vinyl or digital outputs and live performances where powerful bass and singular atmospheres are his trademark. This year, he released a new Ep named "Back in dub", where he returned to dub music, and signed with influent label ODGPROD. (Fr) He comes with a new live act between dub, hip hop, afro trap and over-vitamined breakbeat, which you will remember !

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