TYRANEX was formed in Stockholm, Sweden in December 2005 by guitarist Linnea Landstedt and singer Paloma Estrada.
We wanted to create a band to take the listenersback to the 80: s metal sound. The hunting for other members startedimmediately and soon we had a full line-up for rehearsing. We recorded 3 songsin a local studio and those were put on the first demo we did. In the end of 2006 Paloma left the band and Linnea was chosen to be the newsinger. With the new kind of singing style, more unclean than before and heavymetal high-pitched screams the sound changed a lot. We wrote more songs, playedthem fast and aggressive and the sound of old school metal was taking form.
In January 2008 TYRANEX recorded the demo “Blade of The Sacrificer”. Therelease made people around the world interested in the band. We got greatresponses and the demo was sold out in 252 copies.
The rest of the year 2008 and 2009 became a period for us when we played live.We got our first gig abroad – Göttingen, Germany and later we played inHelsinki, Finland too. During thisperiod we also recorded our next demo “The Evil has Arrived”, which wasreleased in April 2009.
In spring 2010 we had a change of drummer. Johannes Lindström was chosen to bethe new one for Tyranex
Wesigned a record contract with Infernö Records and the planning of recording ourdebut album got started. The album –“Extermination has begun” was released in June 2011.
In August we made our first festival show at Jalometalli Metal Music Festival,Oulo,where we shared the same stage with big-name bands such as Evil Dead, Entombed,Sepultura, Sodom, Oz, Nifelheim, Napalm death.
Promotingthe record took us to places we had never been before. We’ve made a bunch ofshows in Spain, Netherlands, France, Germany, Belgium and Finland. One of thehighlights was when we played at Metal Assault Festival (2012) in Würzburg,Germany in front of a crowd of 1000 people.
2013 “Exterminationhas begun” was released on vinyl (Journey’s end records) and cassette (InfernöRecords)
StefanThylander (bass) departed from the band after 6 years, replaced by sessionbassplayer Per Lindström and this is the line-up today:
LinneaLandstedt – guitars and vocals
PerLindström – bass
JohannesLindström - drums