Toni Vives,nace en Vilanova i la Geltrú,el 23 de Diciembre de 1979,en el Seno de una Familia Humilde,y Luchadora,desde muy Joven experimenta todo tipo de Vertientes Musicales,pasando por Rock,Heavy,Punk,Grunge,Hip Hop etc,desde muy Joven empieza a Probar con Instrumentos de Viento(Gralla)instrumento el cual le viene de Raices Por parte de su Abuelo,poco a poco se inquieta,y empieza a intentar mezclar con 2 Platinas Cintas de Cassete,al poco le surge su interes por la Musica electronica,donde decide empezar a Practicar en casa de amigos,por el año 1996,al poco Adquiere su primer equipo,Mezclador,y Platos De Vinilo,y poco a poco esa Aficion empieza a apoderarse de el.Empieza haciendo sus pinitos en pequeños Clubs,y en el año 2000 y con 18 años de edad le surge la Posibilidad de Participar en el Campeonato de Cataluña de Djs,en SCORPIA CENTRAL DEL SONIDO,Por aquel entonces el mejor MACRO CLUB DE ESPAÑA,Pinchando delante de Más de 3.000 Pers,y con 50.000w de Sonido,quedando en Las Primeras Posiciones,la evolucion lo lleva a ir cambiando constantemente de estilos Musicales,empieza con Maquina Y Hardcore,y poco a poco pasa por estilos como el Progressive,technotrance,techno,minimal,house,tech-house,y todas sus vertientes,sus Maletas han Recorrido parte de La geografia Española,Cataluña,Madrid,Leon,Ibiza,etc,y a Formado Parte de Promotoras como,BY & BY,CROOAR DJS IBIZA,SUBSONIC,ETC,A compartido Cabina con Djs como,DJ,NEIL,EMY SALAZAR,DAVID MORENO,TONI MORENO,RAMON CASTELLS,SANDER VAN DOORN,ALEX GOLD,PETE GOODING,CHUS SOLER,JOEY PLASTIC,DESCK ONE,IBAN MENDOZA Y Un Largo etc de Grandes Artistas,Su Programa de Radio(LIMITED EDITION),a pasado por emisoras F.M & ONLINE Por Muchos de los Rincones del Planeta,empezando en GAVÁ,Pasando Por Sant Joan DESPÍ,Y Online por emisoras de Benidorm,castellon,Madrid,Murcia,etc,enlazado con emisoras de,Paises como,U.S.A,HOLANDA,SUDAMERICA,REINO UNIDO,Etc.A dia de Hoy se Pueden encontrar Producciones suyas en Portales como Beatporty,Juno,itunes,con su nombre,TONI VIVES y Su antigua AKA TONY V.E,en 2012 fijo su Residencia en Ibiza,Isla en La cual ya Habia Trabajado,en Clubs como,AURA,SIN,BORA-BORA,PRIVILEGE,LUCIFER,LZAY,EXTASIS,A Colaborado en Ibizaglobalradio,en el Programa IBIZADANCE,de David Moreno,El que Fuera en un pasado Su Mentor en el Mundo de la Locucion.En 2012 se pudieron ver actuaciones suyas en IBIZAGLOBALRADIO,EL MADRIGAL,PICARO,PACHA IBIZA,GUARANA(SANTA EULALIA-IBIZA)SPACE IBIZA etc.Actualmente se encuentra Submergido en el estudio preparando sus nuevas producciones,que en breve saldran a la venta,y su nuevo Tour,En Sus Haberes,a Realizado Producciones como Electronic Universe, Reducation & Reducation Rmx, Con el Difunto Juanjo Mur y Domi Pastor, Producciones las quales Fueron Pelotazo en Space Ibiza en el Año 2002, Con Su Antiguo AKA (Tony V. E), Asta la Fecha a producido Tracks como:

The Heart Of Universe,


Forget The Rules,

Old Skool New Skool

(Con Itchycoo Records, el qual Fue Su Artista Recomienda/Roon Major London).

Basic To The Base,(Senssual Records)

Tech & Dreams(Underground Records)

No Time,

Drummers Of Freedom,

I Like The Rhythm,

(Digital Room RecordsAustria)

Emotion E.P

(White Island Recordings).

despues de haber estado produciendo, Locutando, actuando como maximo responsable de una Power Drink de U.S.A, en Breve Lanza su Propia Marca o Promotora con un Buen equipo de Grandes artistas que iran rotando segun localizacion, pais, etc, para esta Ocasion Toni Vives a querido Crear algo en el que se haga participe a todos y cada uno de los que siempre estubieron a su lado, y le aportaron algo, ya sea positivo, o negativo, en breve se dara a conocer el Producto, y los primeros en subirse al Tren, ya avisa de que no podran contarse con todos los dedos del cuerpo humano, vendran de todos los rincones del planeta, y ira desenvolupandose a medida que vaya abanzando.

More Info By Toni Vives:!/ToniVivesdj

Toni Vives, was born in Vilanova i the Geltrú, the 23 of December of 1979, in the breast of a family humble, and fighter, from very young experience all type of sheds musical, passing by Rock, Heavy, Punk, Grunge, Hip Hop etc, from very young starts to test with instruments of wind (Gralla) instrument which you comes of roots from his grandfather little by little he worries, and begins to try to mix with 2 decks cassette tapes, soon arises it his interest for music electronics, decides where to start to practice at home for friends, for the year 1996, shortly after acquires its first computer, mixer, and dishes of vinyl, and gradually this hobby begins to take over from the. Start making their first steps in small Clubs, and in the year 2000 and with 18-year-old comes you the possibility of participating in the Championship of Catalonia of Djs, in SCORPIA sound, then the best MACRO CLUB in Spain, playing in front of more than 3,000 people, and with 50. 000w sound, being in the top positions evolution leads to go constantly changing musical styles, start with machine and Hardcore, and gradually passes through styles such as Progressive, technotrance, techno, minimal, house, tech-house, and all its aspects, their suitcases have traveled part of geography Spanish, Catalonia, Madrid, León, Ibiza, etc, and formed part of promoters such as BY & BY, CROOAR DJS IBIZA , SUBSONIC, ETC, to shared booth with Djs such as DJ, NEIL, EMY SALAZAR, DAVID MORENO, TONI MORENO, RAMON CASTELLS, SANDER VAN DOORN, ALEX GOLD, PETE GOODING, CHUS SOLER, JOEY PLASTIC, DESCK ONE, IBAN MENDOZA and a long etc great artists, his program of Radio(LIMITED EDITION), gone through stations F.M & ONLINE by many of the corners of the planet, starting in GAVÀ , Passing by Sant Joan DESPI, and Online by stations of Benidorm, Castellón, Madrid, Murcia, etc, linked with stations of, countries as, U.S.A, Holland, South America, UK, Etc.A day of today is can find productions theirs in portals as Beatporty, Juno, itunes, with its name, TONI VIVES and its old AKA TONY V.E, in 2012 fixed his residence in Ibiza , Island in which already had worked in Clubs such as AURA, without, BORA-BORA, PRIVILEGE, LUCIFER, LZAY, ecstasy, A collaborated in Ibizaglobalradio, in the IBIZADANCE program, from David Moreno, who was in a past his Mentor in the world of 2012 Locucion.En you could see his performances in GUARANA(SANTA EULALIA-IBIZA), IBIZAGLOBALRADIO, rogue, PACHA IBIZA, EL MADRIGAL SPACE IBIZA etc. Currently is plunged in the Studio preparing their new productions, in brief will come out for sale, and his new Tour, in its assets, realized productions like Electronic Universe, Reducation & Reducation Rmx, the Mur Juanjo Difunto and Domi Pastor, productions the Quale were hit in Space Ibiza in 2002, with its old AKA (Tony V. E) , Till date to produced Tracks such as:The Heart Of theUniverse,


Forget The Rules

Old Skool New Skool(Itchycoo Records, which was your artist recommends / Roon Major London)

Basic To The Base,(Senssual Records)

Tech & Dreams(Underground Records)

No Time

Drummers Of Freedom

I Like The Rhythm

(Digital Room RecordsAustria)

Emotion E.P.(White Island Recordings)

After having been producing, Locutando, acting as head of a Power Drink of U.S.A, in brief launches its own brand or developer with a good team of great artists that iran rotating according to location, country, etc, for this occasion Toni Vives to wanted to create something that becomes involved to each and every one of those who were always on your side , and you contributed something, already is positive, or negative, in brief is dara to know the product, and them first in upload is to the train, already warns of that not may count is with all them fingers of the body human, will come of all the corners of the planet, and ira desenvolupandose as go abanzando.<br>More Info By Toni Vives:! /ToniVivesdj


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