Born and raised in Santiago Chile, Tomas started playing drums when he was still atschool.
Later he studied at SCD Collegeof Music under the tutelage of Sassoon Levi and Robert Zamora. In Santiago, heactively participated in the underground music scene that later became into thenew Indie Chilean music scene.

In 2002, he moved to Barcelona(Spain) to continue with his music studies, studying Jazz Performance at the “Taller de Musics” and perfecting hisdrumming with Aldo Caviglia and Quim Soler. In Barcelona he breaded his musiceducation with Sound Technician and Computer Music studies. He activelyparticipated in the Barcelona music scene, successfully recording and touringand collecting great recognition and industry success with bands like “Partido”,“Pumuky” or “Maria Rodés”.

Attracted by the music historyand eclectic music scene, he moved to London in winter 2011, where he quicklystarted playing, recording and teaching, as well as working between London andLos Angeles (US) with the band “Go Tell The Eskimo” and collaborating with “TheKindling”, enhancing this way his expertise and professional experience.

He has professionally worked inmusic recording studios, stages, TV and radio. He has also good expertise as adrum teacher, having worked both for private students and in music teachinginstitutions. Finally, he has had the opportunity to work collectively inmusical compositions for audiovisual productions.

Musicians or bands with whom hehad played, recorded and/or worked in the past and/or present include: MariaRodés (Spain), Pedro Becker (Chile), Roberto Zamora (Chile), Pumuky (Spain),UEH (France) Cristobal Tobar (Chile), Armando Ulloa (Chile), Mouth 4 Rusty(UK), Nico Sanchez (Spain), Rodriguistas (Spain-Chile), Daniel Ujueta(Colombia-Spain), Simon Smith (UK), Lucas Tondena (Italy-Spain), Go Tell TheEskimo (UK), Abraham Boba (Spain), Partido (Spain), Tim Despic (UK), TheKindling (UK) or Cubo (Chile).

Tomás García defines his musical quest as“the most energic Elvin Jones of John Coltrane, through the elegance ofCalexico or The National, trying to rest in the noise music or in BlondeRedhead, while New Orleans will never be forgotten …”

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