Radfax is a primary vessel containing “sympathetic” life forms.Through the time space continuum using a specialized transcoder known as "The Filter Flask" they have been searching for the missing Keys of Harmony.
Through space, the mind state detected there was a planet that contained one of the keys to harmony.
Slowing down to pick up the speed of sound they noticed a white noise covered the planet.
On furtherinspection they found that the white noise made the key of harmony almostimpossible to detect.
On landingthey attempted to contact earth beings with the use of their Earth LanguageVision Intensifier Satellite (E.L.V.I.S)
This sent asignal to communicate through a box shaped device situated in the corner ofmany living rooms.
Unfortunately many people missed this link asthey could not afford the shiny dishes that plugged into their corner boxes,also at around the same time, by some freak coincidence people were out tolunch or having their haircut
TheFriend-Ship has now made contact
Radfax areentering a new phase shift; expanding the wave tone frequencies within theframework of their mass.
These modulations will be maintained with open mind vibration techniques along with the utilization of various updated, live inputs, feedback loops and manifestations.
These creative interpretations will be relayed live through individual designs taken from unique source.
Throughoutwe welcome all individuals and collectives to join us in this organic expansionof expression and exploration, experiencing the timely interventions of thesenew, previously unrevealed frequencies.
These harmony frequencies will be uploaded live using the ‘inspirational’ throughout the framework and foundations and available through the Earth Language Vision Intensifying Satellite (E.L.V.I.S)
For thispurpose the incorporation of a Universal translator device commonly known toEarthlings as ‘The Band’ will be hosting.
Let us know how your ears, psi and spirit are resonating with these harmonic wave frequencies throughout as we open up the sound valve to release the ‘Radfax Frequency sessions’.
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