We believe that music moves us, it raises us during our struggles and rejoices in our triumphs, that is why we believe that through our music we can move others.
There is a message to share with the world about love. If it is through the way we play our instruments, sing the words, through our unity on and off stage. We strive to inspire greatness for everyone that listens, hears and understands.


A three piece rock band, that has a girl drummer and arguably one of the best bassist in the country with a vocalist with a voice that fits almost any genre.

They formed, "The Inside Job" in the year 2009. They love different types of genres and it doesn't limit their own style. It has been said that they create a very laid back atmosphere yet, has aggression & passion during performances.

They are true musicians that love to entertain, but always bring some meaning and message to their beat and ultimately hearts.

They have played with bands like AKing, Van Coke Kartel & Karen Zoid. Festivals they have played at are Cultivaria, Rock The River, Rockies Fees Paarl De Ville, Vlakvargat Rock Fees, Soundwaves Festival, Obz Festival and the Route 56 Festival in Kokstad, KZN. They did their first coastal tour from CPT to Durban in November 2012.

Their song 'Russian Roulette' has also been used in Legit's (clothing store) promo video. They also feature in Jet's (clothing store) magazine (2011 January Edition).

Their song, "Out Of This World" is the official "The Expedition Poject" soundtrack. (

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