The basement of GRAND MASSIVE wasbuilt in Germany by Jochen Boellath (owner of Daredevil Records, ex-Duster69)with his long-time friend Juergen Lobinger (ex-Cursed) in early 2008. The bandwas completed by long-time Duster 69 friend Toby Brandl (ex-Commander) andHolger Stich (ex-Red Tape Parade). After some collaboration and live-supportwith Swedish singer John Hermansen (Mother Misery, ex-Awesome Machine,ex-Stonewall Noise Orchestra) in the “Duster69-years”, Jochen asked John´sbrother Tony to do the vocals. So…the line-up has been completed and the firstEP was recorded in a professional studio as a first Demo.
The Demo got sold out in a fewweeks and the band signed a record-deal with DOWNFALL RECORDS (Twilight)Sweden, who released the Demo again as an official EP. The feedback wasimpressive.
A professional Videoclip has beenproduced for the song MONSTER It got released on the MAXIMUM METAL DVD at the GermanMETAL HAMMER magazine. The song was on the free-magazine-CD of the legendaryTERRORIZER MAGAZINE (UK) too!
Because of the great demand forVinyl, the band released a limited Split 7“ with Swedish rockers SPARZANZA onKabuki Records / Universal Sweden.
GRAND MASSIVE played in August2009 at the legendary WACKEN ROCKS SOUTH Festival on the WET-STAGE with bandslike SLAYER, VOLBEAT, IN EXTREMO, EDGUY, DORO, GRAVE DIGGER and many more.
Juergen got replaced on guitar bythe ex-Duster 69 drummer Peter Wiesenbacher in 2011.
After the recording of newmaterial and some gig offers, the band decided to replace Tony on vocals to befree for concerts and new recordings. Alex (FROM CONSTANT VISIONS – BulletRecords / Soulfood) joined the band then on vocals.
After a longtime friendship with John Lancaster from CHUM (Huntington / USA) and the endless love for their debut album DEAD TO THE WORLD out on CENTURY MEDIA RECORDS, Jochen asked John for a co-operation. John liked the new GRAND MASSIVE material and did the lyrics and vocals for the song SLEEPWALKER.
GOING INTO REDis a cover-version from Germany`s Stoner Rockers DUSTER 69 and after they splitup in 2007 it has been released posthum on the Split 7“ together with HOUSE OFBROKEN PROMISES (ex-Unida). At that time John Hermansen (Mother Misery,ex-Awesome Machine, ex-Stonewall noise Orchestra) did the lyrics and vocals onGOING INTO RED. The new version of the song is the first official song withAlex on vocals.
GOING INTO REDis the first videoclip with the new line-up.
The two songs weremixed and mastered by JOHN HERMANSEN in Enköping / Sweden.<div align="center"><!--url's used in the movie--><!--text used in the movie--><!--- iMusician Digital- digital distribution- digital music distribution - digitale muiskvertrieb - distribuzione digitale - distribuciÛn digital<p align="left"></p> --><object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" width="350" height="310" id="widget" align="middle"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="false"><param name="movie" value=""><param name="quality" value="high"><param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff"><embed src="" flashvars="" quality="high" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="350" height="310" name="widget" align="middle" allowscriptaccess="sameDomain" allowfullscreen="false" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage=""></object><br><a href="" target="_blank">iMusician Digital - digital music distribution</a><br></div>