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Classic - josie and lizzy go for a drive, end up on a cliff
Stormy Rox
Photos migrated from Classic Myspace on 2/21/2014 1:41:57 AM
    • Classic - josie and lizzy go for a drive, end up on a cliff Mix Photo
      "Certainly, we all will die."
    • Classic - josie and lizzy go for a drive, end up on a cliff Mix Photo
      I know its shape while I travel. It waits.
    • Classic - josie and lizzy go for a drive, end up on a cliff Mix Photo
      Eat shadows, bury candles, die.
    • Classic - josie and lizzy go for a drive, end up on a cliff Mix Photo
    • Classic - josie and lizzy go for a drive, end up on a cliff Mix Photo
      in the dark, this mountain towers, and roars
    • Classic - josie and lizzy go for a drive, end up on a cliff Mix Photo
      Because the pupil of my eye is a hole, there's no inside and no out
    • Classic - josie and lizzy go for a drive, end up on a cliff Mix Photo
      branches married to me with my eyes
    • Classic - josie and lizzy go for a drive, end up on a cliff Mix Photo
      as you can see, i am no rock.
    • Classic - josie and lizzy go for a drive, end up on a cliff Mix Photo
      so we live under the low wide branches of the oldest tree
    • Classic - josie and lizzy go for a drive, end up on a cliff Mix Photo
      No death of any kind could matter to my mountain mind!
    • Classic - josie and lizzy go for a drive, end up on a cliff Mix Photo
      Leaves me with a violent hunger
    • Classic - josie and lizzy go for a drive, end up on a cliff Mix Photo
      we will only notice the play of the world for a moment
    • Classic - josie and lizzy go for a drive, end up on a cliff Mix Photo
      the mountain stood so large, we were humbled
    • Classic - josie and lizzy go for a drive, end up on a cliff Mix Photo
      you knew what you had to do
    • Classic - josie and lizzy go for a drive, end up on a cliff Mix Photo
      not a single lonesome sigh
    • Classic - josie and lizzy go for a drive, end up on a cliff Mix Photo
      we walked a high and lonely path, the sun beat down on the ground

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