My roots
Originally coming from the Russian town of Miasskoje (née 31.1.1979), I spent my childhood in Schumowo, Moscow and Anapa on the Black Sea.
Early artistic passion
Due to my distinct desire to pursue an artistic career, I attended the municipal school of fine arts of Anapa from September 1986 to December 1989 in addition to regular school, where I acquired the basics of painting. My mother, Lilli Schramm, always encouraged my talent and my passion for the arts. After our flight to Germany in 1990, we settled in Bonn. The early death of my father, Alexander Koschkarov, and the unsuccessful search for a suitable art mentor practically forced me to become an autodidact. With my comprehensive knowledge in the realistic as well as abstract representation of motifs, I then began to create my own shape and colour combinations and to use new materials.
Profession and vocation
Today, I pretty-much draw and paint around the clock. I have now been known as an international freelance artist and entrepreneur since the beginning of 2005 and have completed many prestigious jobs. Since 1998, I have permanently extended my knowledge in painting within the scope of my collaborations with artists, designers and architects: Personalities like Thomas Klukas, Wolfgang Ernst, Claudia Schmidt, Christian Heimbach, Michael Vogt and many others regularly support me in conception and implementation.
In addition to commission painting and creating own individual works, the promotion of young talent is a particular concern of mine: I transmit my artistic knowledge and the joy of painting at schools and vocational training units as well as in the private sphere. Interns are also more than welcome.
Colourful perspectives
The versatility of life today gives me the inspiration to work freely, to find different ways of painting and to pursue a wide range of styles.