Private Mix
Classic - A lot of things have changed</3
Megan C
Photos migrated from Classic Myspace on 3/8/2014 6:33:18 PM
    • Classic - A lot of things have changed</3 Mix Photo
      I don't have the one thing that i talk to with everything. rip baby boy):
    • Classic - A lot of things have changed</3 Mix Photo
      I don't have my bestfriend brandy, or my hyper puppy;sophie):
    • Classic - A lot of things have changed</3 Mix Photo
      Toby different now.):
    • Classic - A lot of things have changed</3 Mix Photo
      Nicole: We haven't had one of these day's in forever.
    • Classic - A lot of things have changed</3 Mix Photo
      I miss your long hair, and i miss this summer, when i got to see you all the time):
    • Classic - A lot of things have changed</3 Mix Photo
      I miss going to the coffee shop, and talking to that crazy man!
    • Classic - A lot of things have changed</3 Mix Photo
      I never get to see them anymore.
    • Classic - A lot of things have changed</3 Mix Photo
      Me and Josie haven't played sims since the summer, you don't even know how much i miss this.
    • Classic - A lot of things have changed</3 Mix Photo
      My daddy's jeep, a loot of fun memories in that jeepp.
    • Classic - A lot of things have changed</3 Mix Photo
      We haven't gone to the zoo in forever):
    • Classic - A lot of things have changed</3 Mix Photo
      I miss that hair, my hair's so plain now!
    • Classic - A lot of things have changed</3 Mix Photo
      Nicole being a dork, and putting my holy jeans on.
    • Classic - A lot of things have changed</3 Mix Photo
      I miss that phonee!
    • Classic - A lot of things have changed</3 Mix Photo
      Kimber and Tyler dating; woah, health class wouldn't be the same with out making PRETTY pictures of "ball-less" tyler(:
    • Classic - A lot of things have changed</3 Mix Photo
      I haven't hung out with any of them in foreverr):
    • Classic - A lot of things have changed</3 Mix Photo
      sophie, you are the best...i hope your happy sweetie(:

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