Private Mix
Classic - "The Obama Song" studio session
Sheree, I AM SHE’
Photos migrated from Classic Myspace on 2/21/2014 9:17:25 AM
    • Classic - "The Obama Song" studio session Mix Photo
      Slique, Earl and Sheree in the studio
    • Classic - "The Obama Song" studio session Mix Photo
      Sheree & Emoni having a little fun while working
    • Classic - "The Obama Song" studio session Mix Photo
      The ladies working it out for Obama
    • Classic - "The Obama Song" studio session Mix Photo
      Beautiful music in my ears
    • Classic - "The Obama Song" studio session Mix Photo
      Taking it in
    • Classic - "The Obama Song" studio session Mix Photo
      Emoni Wilkins, Earl Powell and Sheree Hicks
    • Classic - "The Obama Song" studio session Mix Photo
      Emoni, Senator Hendon and Sheree
    • Classic - "The Obama Song" studio session Mix Photo
      All the talent behind the song for Obama called, "Change"

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