Shelly Phelps and The Scarlet Street Players are an exotic blend of hard-hitting rhythm & blues, smoky nightclub jazz, and soulful rock - with a hint of mystery, a dash of boom-chicka-boom, and an extra drizzle of sizzle!
When Oklahoma City powerhouse vocalist, Shelly Phelpsinvited guitarist, Rob Vollmar (Cousin Oliver, Circe) drummer, Chris Foreman (CamilleHarp, Travis Linville) and bassist, Dave Cochran (Elmer's Blues, 2X4 Blues Band)to record a new collection of songs, the diverse and imaginative ”ScarletStreet Players” were born. “I couldn’t have predicted what happened next. Theguys were immediately locked in to what I wanted and then proceeded to raisethe bar.” says Phelps.

Shelly Phelps and The Scarlet Street Players are currentlyrecording “Beautiful and Burdened”, a fan-funded album. “I can’t wait tounleash this music to our fans!” says Phelps, “This is the music I’ve wanted tomake all my life. It’s sexy and theatrical, with lyrics inspired from history,mythology, life lessons, love, and lust.”

Beautiful and Burdened is expected to release in early 2015.

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