album available at:!product/prd12/2734348021/shatters---l-abysse-des-pens%C3%A9es
The origins of Shatters go back in 2005, when Martin Poirier decided to explore a different musical world from what he was doing at the time with his other band Of Reality Beyond .
Looking for more ambient and progressive sounds , he wrote a first piece , which drew the attention bassplayer at that time, Guillaume Emond . Together they composed a few pieces in this more experimental avenue , then they named the project Abysse. The hubbub of life being what it is, Abysse ended up being abandoned for several years. When the urge to work together again on something more concrete came back, Abysse imposed itself . They recruited David Fleury as guitarist with whom the composition task started up again . When show opportunities presented themselves obviously they had to have complete band ; Jean Ruel, experienced musician took over on bass while Guillaume moved to keyboards and finally Stéphane Moisan, a metal drummer looking for new musical experiences , took position behind the drums ; Abysse offered its first shows in the summer of 2010.
The decision to rename the project ' Shatters ' fell strangely on point when Guillaume and Jean decided not to continue after a few shows . Emmanuel Rousseau was immediately recruited on bass, but the keyboardist position remained vacant . Nevertheless, the group continued to compose and offered a few shows with a more conventional rock line-up. After several unsuccessful attempts to recruit a keyboardist , Mathieu Houde ended up being a perfect candidate for the sound of the group.
At the end of 2012, the time had come to crystallize the early years work for a first album. But fate has a habit of always be incensed at the wrong time , David decided to leave the band , his musical inspiration being not in the same direction as the group anymore. Marc- Antoine Guay was selected as a substitute, and the band began the recording under the direction of Martin. Emmanuel completed his parts and then left, for the same reasons as David. François Boivin then joined the band as the new bassplayer . During the summer of 2014, Marc-Antoine decided to go back in home town. Dave Dubé, an experienced guitarist, was chosen to take that vacant post.
L’Abysse des pensées is the first album from Shatters , born from a passionate journey , but not without pitfalls ; a work that runs in our introspection facing our psychological and moral limitations, , which sets the stage for the exploration of the fragility of the human spirit.