Timothy Westbrook II was born in Detroit, MI.
Since he was born music has been a major part of his life. After being in the chorus and writing hip hop his whole life in 2011 Westbrook went into the studio to record his first song "Getting to the money. He made a choice to post the song to and he was followed by Def Jam and Sony and contacted by Sony with in 24hrs. A few days later Westbrook find himself back in the studio for Sony recording a song with a beat he received from super producer Lil Keis called "I Do This". This song won over Dj Krill and they started working on his first two mix tape projects More Than A Mission 1 & 2. After moving back to Atlanta in 2011 Westbrook did many shows building his fans on YouTube, Twitter, Facebook and the streets. Timothy Westbrook II is now attending Full Sail University for Recording Engineering and Music Business.

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