SEBKHA is a french dj-live acts since 2000.
Sebkha started mixing all kinds of different sounds to link people, ambiance and good vibes.
After several travels (Ibiza, London, Paris, Marrakech, Singapore...) and the evening organization (La Cave de la Gargagnole, Frénéthik, Rock'n'Pop Korn, La Ferme en Folie !, Open Your Mind, Trancefusion, Les Electrophages, Chromatic), he cames back in France to preparate "live & dj acts" by his personal touch, his vision of mix, his own selection of music and his quality of sound.
Psybient-experimental ... to dance-floor :) Just listen !
Experimental live with Yee King [uk], Warp Records ; Minimal mix with Cabanne [fr], Logistic Records ; Fusion live-mix with Shaka Ponk [all], Edel Music ; Jazzy Eklectrip mix with Ceux Qui Marchent Debout [fr], L'Autre Distribution ; Eklectik mix with Alif Sound System [fr], Kurva Rkdz ; Tribal Eklectik live-mix with Domb [fr], Rue Stendhal and more ...
Psybient live & mix at the Zagoa Festival 2012 [ma] with Altom, Anneli, Atyss, Avichay, Biokinetix, Bionix, Black Hole, Clim8shift, Davina, Driss, D-Sens, Electrocult, Florian MSK, Horam, Huicholity, Hypnos, Jeff Mk Ultra, Kalifer, Liminal Roots, Medja, Mesmerizer, Miss Tick, Opale, Parasense, Perplex, Phonic Request, Polyphene, Tone Hettmann, Voyager, Yoshi, Zeus, 7Estrelo ...
* 05 May : "Annulé suite aux travaux" - Open Bar Le Pachamama - anciennenement La Bourse (Vic Fezensac // France) - with Macadam, Toulouse Skanking Fondation, The Branlarians
* 12 May : La Cri de La Mouette (Toulouse // France) - Les Electrophages #1 with Le Piaf, Marco Messari, Pitcher, Tomassonn
* 19 May : "Annulé suite aux travaux" - Open Bar Le Pachamama - anciennenement La Bourse (Vic Fezensac // France) - with Aléas, Maria Ghanima
* 30 May to 04 June : Zagoa Festival 2012 (M'Hamid El Ghislane // Marocco)
* 23 June : Caprices de Jardin (Toulouse // France) with Behavior
* 30 June : Le Gourmet + La Cigale é Fourmi (Lectoure // France) - with Ginotek, Manhattan People, Keb Art, Jon Jon
* 07 July : Open Bar Le Pachamama - anciennenement La Bourse (Vic Fezensac // France) - with Rocking Time + Full Of Noise
* 10 August : Guinguette Party #1au lac (Aignan // France) - with Desperenza, Jeannot, Johan, Oragon, Orny
* 14-16 September : 100% Circus (Corbière // France) - World People + Aya Atma - with Anya, Lutin des Bois, Opale, ...
* 22 September : Le Cri de la Mouette (Toulouse // France) - Les Electrophages #2 with Nerdz, Kyan, Pitcher, Tomassonn
* 12 January : Le Salon (Auch // France) with Behavior, Super Patatas Fritas & Jozef
* 26 January : Le Salon (Auch // France) - Eklectro Jazz by Sebkha
* 1 March : Chromatic vs The Clutch - Le Cri de la Mouette (Toulouse // France) with Sound Sweet Sound, Black Market Sessions, La Tuilerie, Burnsfield, Tomassonn
* 20 April : Le Coup d'Etat (Toulouse // France) - Decibel 35 with D'Jamency, Slutty Sue, Kyan, Isys, Panda Yohm
* 05-06-07 July : Indian Rhythm by World People + Aya Atma (Corbière // France)
* 14 July : Le Salon (Auch // France) - Eklectrip Soundz by Sebkha
* 26-27-28 July : Mystical Quest Open Air Festival 2013 by Spiritual Rebirth, Tantra Music & Aya Atma Project // South Of France
* 31 August : Festival Plein Les Feuilles (Pavie // France) - Remcord, Fat, Mr Pongo Perdida, Vinvin, Dirty Honkers, Minuit Six Heures, The Lookers
* 20 September : 15 ans de la salle à concerts le Cri'art (Auch // France) - Scène locale du Gers (The Gabelt, Maria Ghanima, Bulweria Bifax, Ben & fist, Ainamaty, Les Bijoux de Famille, Estelle M, Nosotros Podemos El Mundo, ...), Budapest