Sangie Davis, real name Anthony Horace Davis, is a reggae songwriter and producer whose masterpieces include Bob Marley's "Wake Up and Live" and Sophia George's "Girlie Girlie." His involvement with Marley apparently also led to a handful of original songs that were never recorded as well as an A&R position for Davis at the Tuff Gong label.
Davis' catchy and clever lyrics undoubtedly ring true no matter what the subject matter and have often been based on fragments of real-life communication that can in fact be considered found poetry.

The aforementioned Marley song title came from an advertising sign on a building in Jamaica. "Girlie Girlie," an enormous hit for George, was extracted fresh from one of his own mother's critical comments. Apparently after seeing him hanging around with a pack of schoolgirls, Mrs. Davis asked "How you so girlie girlie?" Davis claims to have finished his song a brisk ten minutes later. In addition to songwriting and production, this artist has contributed both guitar stroking and background vocal touches to various reggae sides since the early '80s. ~ Eugene Chadbourne

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