PLEASE READ! We have implemented a new business model that will change the landscape of the music industry forever.
We have decided to make our digital album (WildN' 4 Respect) available for ONE PENNY! Yes you've read it right, ONE PENNY. Why? This is a way to give our loyal fans, day one supporters, as well as new listeners worldwide access to download our newest project at the lowest cost possible, ONE PENNY. We feel that people who have never appreciated the value of a penny will begin to do so as it serves as a direct donation to our music campaign. This donation of at least a penny will get you a lifetime exclusive membership to the Rowdy City music club. The #RCMC gives its members a chance to receive discounts off of all Rowdy City merchandise, Discounts off tickets to all Rowdy City concerts, a chance to win free giveways, and a direct relationship with Rowdy City as you will also get the opportunity to reach Rowdy City directly via email, phone calls, and text messages. We strive to have a real, authentic relationship with those that truly love and support what we do, how we live, and our outlook on life. We feel that if all of our fans and supporters donated at least ONE PENNY, we can make an impact that represents the thought that nothing in this world is for free, and you can actually change lives by donating a penny to a positive cause. Because being a full time independent artist is very costly and time consuming, we can't just give it away for free. However we can give you the option to support the music and values we stand for at the very low cost of a penny. Purchasing things for a penny is not a new business model, there is a such thing as penny stocks. So it's like taking that model and applying it to digital music world. The best thing about it is that we leave it up to the loyalty of our fans not to share the digital download but to encourage others to donate towards the movement. With this model you're investing into the music, the concept, and the inevitable growth of our movement. Have you ever told a cashier to "Keep the change" because it was JUST a few Pennies? I have. Have you ever gathered as many pennies as you could around the house and created a "Change Jar?" I have. Only to never put them to use. Everyday we walk pass pennies on the ground without a thought in mind to pick it up and use it as actual currency. We are saying that penny counts. EVERY PENNY COUNTS! #WildN4Respect #RCMC Click here to DONATE!
Written by: Darnell "ReadyRockDee" Williams & Rajwayne "Rowdy" Palmer
To DONATE: Visit the "Donate" tab on our website
Digital Download: Will be available for Download February 16th. Minimum donation "One Penny"
Physical Copies: Will be available for sale February 16th for $10 (Please include First Name, Last Name, and Mailing Address in the Notes.)