Having worked in various Melbourne acts since 1989, Rory started his solo acousticjourney in 1998, working the bars and festivals around Australia.
Some includePort Fairy Folk Festival, Apollo Bay Music Festival, The National FolkFestival, Blue Mountains Blues and Roots, Queenscliff Music Festival andTamworth Country Music Festival where Rory has performed as part of the FenderRoadcases show alongside Troy Cassar Daley, The McLymonts, Tommy Emmanuel, GinaJeffreys and countless other country stars.
Rorywas different to most songwriters, as he had a story to tell, often taken fromhis time, living in a boxing gym, working at the Sacred Heart Mission in StKilda, time spent working as a guard in Melbourne’s hardest rooms, seeing firsthand, the seedier side of life, and naturally years spent on the road. It gavea real life experience to the heartfelt songs at his live shows. The incredibleresponse to his live show prompted the release of his first solo album Ride in2000. It was released to much critical acclaim, a huge spread by Iain Sheddonin The Australian and was lovingly produced by Dave Steel,(Weddings PartiesAnything, Archie Roach, Kasey Chambers). Lyall Johnson of the Melbourne Agesaid,“ If you’re not deeply moved by this superb debut by Melbournesinger-songwriter Rory Ellis, it’s doubtful you’re human.”
Sincethat release Rory has gone from strength to strength releasing Road Of TheBraver Man in 2003, who Jackey Coyle of Rhythms Magazine stated, "thequality of Rory Ellis’ voice alone the richness of the timbre, the skill of histechnique that he conveys an irresistible charisma, an that’s not even countinghis song writing skills. The first few verses I heard, I was done for - instantfan.” It was also Beat Magazine’s album of the week.It was in 2004 Rory decidedto head overseas to England and he has toured there every year since, anywherefrom 3-9 months each tour. A real troubadour doing it on floors, couches,shoestrings and human kindness to make it work and deliver his piece of real lifeAustralia, not what they saw on Neighbours. Whilst in England and more recentlyEurope his travels have seen him perform alongside many greats including RichieHavens, Robert Cray, Canned Heat, Eric Bibb and has performed at many of thelargest UK Blues and Roots Festivals including Great British R&B Festival,Shetland Folk Festival, Larmer Tree Festival, Stokes Bay Festival, MaryportBlues Festival, Isle Of Wight Festival and countless others, with revisits dueto popular demand. Of his performance at the Shetland Folk Festival in2008 The Scotsman Newspaper stated that"Ellis was another standout of 2008's line-up, wrapping shades of Satchmo,Springsteen, Tom Waits and Chris Smither in his epically rugged voice."
Roryreleased The Rushes in 2005, where Jeff Glorfeld of the Melbourne Age said,“When the big fella opens up his chest and lets fly with that lusty, rumblingvoice, even then it's as if he's pulling back on the reins in fear of whatmight happen to innocent bystanders - it's that potent.” His 4th album, TwoFeathers, was released in 2008 where Brett Callwood of UK's major rootspublication Acoustic magazine said “Rory Ellis is one of thosesinger/songwriters, like Leonard Cohen, who makes the hairs on your arms standup by simply opening his mouth and uttering a few throaty words.” Americana UKdescribes his voice as “a compelling instrument, it demands attention.” London's Time Out said of Rory” Salt of theearth country blues.” Perfectly Damaged, Rory's 5th studio album was releasedto huge overseas response in 2010. Geoff Marsden of Blues Matters UK describedit as, “captivating.” Jeremy Searle of Americana UK stated “It’s Ellis and hisvoice that drives it though: a compelling instrument, it demands attention,effortless in its power and the combination of that and his old schoolstorytelling, honed in the hard miles in puts in on the road make this a finerecord.” Even our bible of roots music Rhythms Magazine stated “PerfectlyDamaged is a winner, in every sense.”
In2012 Rory released Twisted Willow, his 6th album receiving another 4 starreview in the Melbourne Age. “Ellis' songs are full of keen impressions andfeelings, sung in a voice that is always true and expressive.” Jeff Glorfeld.Sam Fell stated “ Ellis’ voice – so big and rich is it, that you can’t help butbe drawn in to whatever it is he’s singing about, feeling what he’s feeling.It’s a voice made to sing country music.” Followed up by more intense touringhere and abroad in 2013 and 2014, 2015 saw the release of Yellow, his seventhstudio album and a dedication to the life of his mum containing 15 tracks. SamFell stated of this, “Rarely does someone put such truth and honesty into theirmusic”.