REYN’S music is conscious-commercial hip-hop, with contemporary R&B and Folk-pop influences.
REYN demonstrates he is a laid back, compelling, introspective artist with a powerful flow, vast lyrical capacity and a unique poetic cadence. REYN is an uncommon artist whose music harvests a mainstream appeal. Rhymes that touch you. A voice that moves you. Insight into today--foresight on tomorrow... REYN is now. GO!!!

REYN is managed exclusively by Richard Willis, Jr., CEO & Executive Producer of MOZELL ENTERTAINMENT GROUP. MOZELL is a creative and business entity experienced in artist management, as well as conceiving, developing, packaging,pitching and producing projects for television, film, theatre and music.

To Book or contact REYN:

PO BOX 70213

Los Angeles, CA 90017

323-932-6010 ofc.


Twitter: Reynforever

IG: Reynforever

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