I am a Pastor/Band Manager for CHAOTIC RESEMBLANCE/Contractor
I've been married for the past 25 years this year to my beautiful wife Barbie..she's a We have been BLESSED with 2 of the most anointed,comical, outgoing kids. Tabitha Lanae graduated class of '06. She is now a licensed minister & has a heart for missions. She is gorgeous! No lie... the friendliest, funniest young lady you'll ever meet. Never meets a stranger. Travis Shane married his high school sweetheart Salena Anne 6/26/10. She is major blessing to our family! Travis loves to sing and play his guitar. He writes all his own songs, a true gift from God. He is the lead singer/guitarist in a band called "Chaotic Resemblance." Check them out on here!! I have a heart for young people, always have always will. I long to see this generation changed dramatically for Jesus Christ!

Call 918-413-1784 if you would like to book a show with the band.

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