I am the nicest Bitch you will ever meet.
I love Music! Country, R&B, Rap, Alternative & Heavy Metal. It doesn't matter, I will listen to it.

I love to Dance! I love to sing, even if I break a window or two. Oh well, It's my life, I will do as I please.

The love of My Life is My Best Friend of over 20 Years. I couldn't have asked for a Better Man to be in my life. He is my Happily Ever After. My Soul Mate!!!

I do Not Judge Anyone. Not my place. Do as you want. It's Your Life. Live it the way you want.

Make mistakes. Helps you learn about Life.

I am a firm believer that Everything Happens for A Reason. If you do not know what the reason is at that point of time, trust me, you will know when it happens.

Things can happen in your life that nobody will understand and you may not even understand yourself. But that is Ok. Don't stress...

I have 3 Beautiful Daughters. I will do whatever it takes to protect them.

My advice to everyone one is life your life to the fullest. Life is to short. Do not hate anyone. You may dislike ... but hate is a very strong word. Do not judge. You do not know what that one person may be going through in their life. Be happy. Do not go to bed angry or upset. Treat Everyone the way you would like to be treated

Now Carry On .... Later Bitchessss

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