Polynomial was originally formed in 2002 by two friends, Matthew Daughton and Karl Richard.
Having been introduced to each other several years prior through their mutual friend Simon Ng, both Matthew and Karl discovered that they shared a deep fondness for experimental sonic art. Exchanging with each other a diverse repertoire of recorded works by other artists - ranging from drone-like compositions of The Hafler Trio, Merzbow, Bad Rabit, Boris, Pan Sonic and Sunn O))) through to more mainstream sounds, such as NIN, dUES, Pearl Jam, Sonic Youth, Global Communication, Aphex Twin, Tangerine Dream, Tom Waits and Holst - they began to develop some basic ideas for novel compositions of their own.

Then at one point in 2002, while listening to an album entitled "Things Falling Apart", they both had an epiphany: all music is - in its own way - iterative i.e. just as an iteration in mathematics may refer to the process of iterating a function (whereby one applies a function repeatedly, using the output from one iteration as the input to the next), so too were the temporal continuums of their bodies and minds like functions iterating previous musical forms from other sonic artists into new phonic outputs. This is why the form of the Mandlebrot set (a fractal* plot in the complex plane) holds such deep significance to Polynomial: it is infinite in resolution and, thus, holds infinite patterns of possibility within its finite bounds.

Upon realising this, Matthew and Karl began amassing an arsenal of musical instruments and recording gear, whereby they began devouring and analysing every morsel of musical form that happened to appeal to their modest sensibilities. During this gorging they began writing, arranging and producing their own musical interludes and out-takes... Even if only primarily just for one another's ears.

These are some of their later compositions, mostly made while both apart… Though the ideas for these compositions came when together. All were recorded, produced and mixed at the Orange Hut studio.

To find out more about Matthew Daughton, please visit his site by copying and pasting the following URL into your browser:

To find out more about Karl Richard, please visit his site by copying and pasting the following URL into your browser:

* Theoretical fractals are infinitely self-similar, iterated and detailed mathematical constructs, all of which have a fractal dimensions. There are many examples that have been formulated and studied in recent years since the advent of computers: IFS fractals, Base-Motif fractals, Dusts & Cluster fractals, Julia sets, Mandelbrot sets, Quaternion fractals and Strange Attractor fractals, to name but a few. Fractals are not just limited to geometric patterns alone. They can also describe processes in time too. Fractal patterns with various degrees of self-similarity have been rendered or studied in images, structures and sounds and found in nature, biology, technology, art and law. The amazing details and beauty seen within some of these fractal forms, as well as the fact that they are found in most natural phenomena the universe over, have led to some mathematicians, scientists, philosophers and theologians naming them "The thumb print of God", as if they might allude to a divine creator.

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