Private Mix
Classic - Middle East to West Coast April '09
Pine Leaf Boys, Cajun Music
Photos migrated from Classic Myspace on 2/20/2014 1:12:36 PM
    • Classic - Middle East to West Coast April '09 Mix Photo
      CG on the train in Paris
    • Classic - Middle East to West Coast April '09 Mix Photo
      In front of Notre Dame
    • Classic - Middle East to West Coast April '09 Mix Photo
      Drew at a café in Paris
    • Classic - Middle East to West Coast April '09 Mix Photo
      Thomas enjoying his first overseas experience.
    • Classic - Middle East to West Coast April '09 Mix Photo
      CG at the castle where the Saudi Kingdom began
    • Classic - Middle East to West Coast April '09 Mix Photo
      The Castle where the Saudi Kingdom began
    • Classic - Middle East to West Coast April '09 Mix Photo
      A beautiful copy of the Koran
    • Classic - Middle East to West Coast April '09 Mix Photo
      Drew at the Saudi National Music.
    • Classic - Middle East to West Coast April '09 Mix Photo
      A door and a curtain from Mecca
    • Classic - Middle East to West Coast April '09 Mix Photo
      On top of the tallest building in Saudi
    • Classic - Middle East to West Coast April '09 Mix Photo
      Saudi Starbucks
    • Classic - Middle East to West Coast April '09 Mix Photo
      Saudi Starbucks
    • Classic - Middle East to West Coast April '09 Mix Photo
      Albaik chicken
    • Classic - Middle East to West Coast April '09 Mix Photo
      Thomas pondering Albaik Chicken
    • Classic - Middle East to West Coast April '09 Mix Photo
    • Classic - Middle East to West Coast April '09 Mix Photo
      Giggles Granger after the show in Jeddah

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