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Classic - A Capp in Philly.... "V" for victory! =P
Catie Kelly
Photos migrated from Classic Myspace on 2/22/2014 1:45:09 AM
    • Classic - A Capp in Philly.... "V" for victory! =P Mix Photo
      me and my BA shades.
    • Classic - A Capp in Philly.... "V" for victory! =P Mix Photo
    • Classic - A Capp in Philly.... "V" for victory! =P Mix Photo
      It's against the law in Chicago to eat in a place that is on fire.
    • Classic - A Capp in Philly.... "V" for victory! =P Mix Photo
      Yeah, that's the preamble on the side of the building.
    • Classic - A Capp in Philly.... "V" for victory! =P Mix Photo
      Lightning reaches 50,000 degrees Fahrenheit
    • Classic - A Capp in Philly.... "V" for victory! =P Mix Photo
      Paul Revere never actually said "The British are coming!" because he, too, was british, like everyone else. It was more like "The Regulars"
    • Classic - A Capp in Philly.... "V" for victory! =P Mix Photo
      Liberty Bell....and Independence Hall.
    • Classic - A Capp in Philly.... "V" for victory! =P Mix Photo
      A dairy cow can produce 5 gallons of ice cream a day.
    • Classic - A Capp in Philly.... "V" for victory! =P Mix Photo
      that's a giant ice cream cone-shaped trash can. be jealous.
    • Classic - A Capp in Philly.... "V" for victory! =P Mix Photo
      I worked hard for this photo.
    • Classic - A Capp in Philly.... "V" for victory! =P Mix Photo
      The one and only Kaitlyn.
    • Classic - A Capp in Philly.... "V" for victory! =P Mix Photo
      hahhhhh. rebound from hairl oss.
    • Classic - A Capp in Philly.... "V" for victory! =P Mix Photo
      In 1865 the first speed limit was introduced in Britain - 2 mph in town and 4 mph in the country.
    • Classic - A Capp in Philly.... "V" for victory! =P Mix Photo
      In the disastrous War of the Triple Alliance (1865-70), Paraguay lost two-thirds of all adult males and much of its territory.
    • Classic - A Capp in Philly.... "V" for victory! =P Mix Photo
      A new study finds those who won Nobel Prizes between 1901 and 1950 lived about 2 years longer than nominees who didn't win.
    • Classic - A Capp in Philly.... "V" for victory! =P Mix Photo
      Room temperature is considered to be 72 degrees Fahrenheit.

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