OZMA's Jazz means energy and openness, freedom of swing music and effectiveness of rock - within groovy compositions and a formidable team spirit.
Colorful, explosive, exciting and allways generous, the band OZMA lays between a mutant band and a jungle of sound. It is a group of nowadays, defending its creative and eclectic music with heart.
Blowing riffs, counterpoints, explosive sounds... Thanks to the originality of their music and a perpetual risk-taking, their shows can seduce an advised expert and also catch curious neophytes. The artistic direction developed in the quartet is plural, reflecting the different spheres of influence of its musicians.
2012 "Peacemaker" (Label Juste une Trace, a part of AMOC)
2009 "Strange Traffic" (Label Juste une Trace, a part of AMOC)
2007 "Electric Taxi Land" (Label Juste une Trace, a part of AMOC)
2005 "OZMA"
Festival de Radio France de Montpelier, Jazz Club d'Auxerre, Sceaux What,
Vilnius City Jazz Festival, Congress Hall Riga, Minsk Philharmonic,
Festival Jazzdor, Club Bix Stuttgart, Festival Jazz Krefeld, Montreal Cinema House...
2012 India Tour
2011 Peacemaker Tour Europe
2010 Atlantic Tour : Canada
2009 Strange Traffic Tour : Italy, U-K, France, Belgium...
2008 Explosive Tour : Latvia, Tchec Republic, Norway...
2008 Ozmafrica : Burkina Faso
2007 European Tour : Latvia, Germany, Sweden, Poland...
2012 Revelation Jazzman/Jazzmag for the album Peacemaker
2011 Selection Jazzahead Bremen
2009 Selection Jazzmigration (Afijma, FSJ)
2007 Selection Jazz Primeur Culture France
2006 1er Prize at the national Contest Jazz à la Défense
2012 OZMA Quartet : Electro
2012 OZMA and and the band DARPANA in India
2011 Live music for the movie Three Ages (Buster Keaton)
2010 Live music on the movies Vampyr and Battleship Potemkine
2010 Live music on a photo exhibition with the association La Chambre
2010 Large ensemble OZMA ORKESTRA at the Festival Jazzdor
2008 OZMAFRICA with the band Zimawe in Burkina Faso