The Order of Chaos was formed in 1995 by Terry V, the missionand vision back then to combine the Twin Guitar harmony styles of British Metalwith the brutality of mid nineties American Death Metal with Anti-authoritylyric concepts more at home in punk music than the gore soaked words of thebands contemporaries.

This first line up spawned the "You do not exist" DemoTape (Remember those?) recorded by Adrian Dewitts at Toybox studios and anothere.p that never saw the light of a release.

Two years and two new members later in the form of Evan Coopsand Matt Rizzo, the new Quartet released the e.p "Perpetual" recordedby Lloyd Barrat at Soundvault studios, Finding distribution through Warheadrecords and selling well Australia wide, it saw the band make the first of manyInterstate Travels, most notably a coveted spot on the "Metal for thebrain" festival in Canberra 1999.

The turn of the millennium brought another change to the bandsline up, bringing original guitarist A Mcginty back to the fold on bass duties.Entering Toyland studios with Adam Calaitzis at the helm, the boys beganrecording their Debut Full Length album "Intertwined in Totality" tentracks of refined Melodic Death metal, taking cues from the New wave of SwedishDeath metal that was gathering serious momentum overseas at the time, manyyears before it became popular in metal and hardcore circles in Australia. Acollaboration on vocals came about with matt and Terry’s then Hellspawn bandmateMatt Skitz on the title track.

Another two years on and with Mcginty's second departure, theremaining core trio of Terry, Matt and Evan plotted a new direction in sound,stripping away the technical layering and melody of old for a "less ismore" attitude to riffing, a Groove metal with Hardcore influenceapproach, resulting in the 2002 Self titled e.p recording again with Adam atToyland. This opened a new door for the guys, allowing them shows both withmetal and hardcore bands, which they pursued through out that year, beforeExternal commitments and pressures forced them to disband early in 2003.

Yet like the Musical whores they are separately the tunescontinued, Evan and Terry with Canyonaero, Matt with Blood Duster, WatchdogDisclipline and Uncut white noise and Terry also with Insomnius Dei, RhythmicGibberish and The Eternal. Fast Forward to 2008, Terry asks the boys if theymight consider recording ten tracks that was left behind from the 2003 era tocomplete the body of work for the band. A rehearsal followed, with all threemembers overwhelmed with how these tracks had not aged in the Five yearinterim, feeling like they had come to rehearsal the week after!! So with greatpleasure Evan, Matt and Terry announced the reformation of Order of Chaos.Entering Toyland studios once again in winter 2008 to record the album titled"Eyehate Swansongs" the boys returned to the Melbourne Live Sceneafter a five year absence in 2009...

After a number of years on the gig circuit and in the jam room craftingnew material 2013 saw Order buckle down to record the new album

"Deadweight Undertow" a mixture of the guys roots inDeath metal with there mid era metallic hardcore smarts and new found punkundertones.

Recorded Live in two days with guitar and vocal overdubs lateron, the album was mixed and mastered by Jason P.C at his Goat sound Studio

in Melbourne. Deadweight Undertow will see the light of day onlineon July 21,2014 through Third Verse distribution.

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