Listen to my new tunes on my music site , enjoy :-))
JAZZ NEWS 2014 : NIELS RYDE "A NIGHT OUT" QUARTET " Feat : BJARNE ROUPÈ(S): guitars, Simon Spang Hansen(Dk) : sax, Niels Ryde(Dk) : bass & Niclas Campangol(S) : drums lookout for dates :-))
NIELS RYDE ELECTRIC TRIO FEAT : MIKKEL NORDSØ & KLAUS MENZER live in DK 2014 - + masterclasses - Lookout for dates..
PLAYING WITH RAINBOW SPIRIT : Simon Spang Hansen : saxophons - Dawda : kora - Niels Ryde : basses & Aya Solomon : perc. GREAT BAND
Playing w/ Kora master BASIRU SUSO´S GROUP Feat : Mikkel Nordsø : guitar, Basiru Suso : kora, Niels Ryde : bass, Malick Jargne : perc & Klaus Menzer : drums look for dates in 2014 !
Look at my new bass videos on YouTube :
Afro In Five
A Night Out :
Niels Ryde on Pedals :
"Niels Ryde er en usædvanlig begavelse, han er en af de få jazzbassister herhjemme, som fuldt og helt har valgt at koncentrere sig om den electriske bas. Det har han gjordt med et talent og en afdæmpet stædighed, som gør , at han i dag har udviklet et meget personligt spil, ikke ulig forbilleder som Jaco pastorius og Steve Swallow. Og så skriver han melodiske og effektive kompositioner med kvalitetssans. Ifølge Ryde selv kommer musikken til at byde på "både power jazz" og lyriske ballader, og det ligger fint til hans¨sofistikerede bassspil, der forener melodisk fokus og rytmisk fremdrift." Poliktiken marts 2013
" Nils Ryde is a wonderful composer and bass player. I find his compositions so much fun to play on. I think his writing is unique, melodic, and very interesting harmonically. He is also a great bassist, by his fantastic soloing and great rhythmic support." Lew Soloff(NYC)
" Niels Ryde is not just an innovative and sensitive modern player. He is also a marvelous and unique composer. With brains and heart to spare, Niels takes full advantage of the color palate - taking us on fantastic new journeys, which still follows the trajectory of tradition. He is a very special player." Kurt Elling, vocalist & Blue Note Artist.
Bassplayer Niels Ryde entered the danish jazzscene almost tree decades ago, with a new personal sound and aproace on the bass, he soon became a member of different jazz/funk groups, and started his own group in 88. Since then he have been a most sought after musicians on the Danish as well as the International Jazz scene.
Niels Ryde "There was always music in my house, my father played piano and my mother the fluth, and they listened to all kinds of music, from Bach to Stravinsky and Beatles to Bob Dylan, Armstrong to Bill Evans. I had rather eclectic taste."
Born in Denmark 1964, Ryde took up the bass at the age of 13, playing electric bass in school bands. Ryde quickly became an in-demand bass-player in different bands. At the age of 16 he got a double-bass. Niels says, " studied two years with a classical bass-teacher and played in the University of Aarhus Symphony. After a while I was more heavily into jazz, playing a lot of be-bop jobs on the local jazz-scene, at the same time I took lessons with the worldwide known bass-player Niels Henning Orsted Pedersen for one year."
At 16, Ryde began performing professionally with many different jazz & funk settings, both on elec.bass and Double bass. "I was still a very young player at that point," Ryde says. "Technically, I was prepared for the job, but I learned a lot about professionalism with these bands. In the mid eighties, Ryde made a swith back to elec bass, " I felt like commimg home again." Ryde tells, today he is a master of the electric bass
Ryde has performed in : US, Brazil, Spain, Italy, Germany, France, Switzerland, Belgium, England, Scotland, Russia, The Baltic States, Norway, Iceland, Sweden.
Played & toured with musicians like : Ben Monder(us), Bill McHenry(us), Lew Soloff(US), Wolfgang Muthspiel(Au), Flavio Pantroja(Br), Yulietsky Consales(cuba), Soren Bebe(dk), Anders Mogensen(dk), Mikkel Nordsø(dk), Klaus Menzer(dk), Eliel Elazio(cuba),Thomas Walbum(dk), Misja Fitzgreald Michel(F), Orazio Maugeri(It), Siggi Flossason(is), Doug Raney(US), Krister Jönsson(S), Basiru Suso(mali), Pierre Dørge & (NJO)(DK), John Tchicai(US), Butch Lacy(US), James Loveless Funk Band(US/DK), Amancio De Silvar/Matt Lester Quintet(GB), Jorg Hulke/Wolker Sloth (DDR), Jacob Hug/Samuel Zing(CH), Marc Bernstein (US), Pirre Dørge, Uffe Steen Jensen, Carsten Dahl, Thor Madsen, Morten Grønvad, Thomas Agergaard, Kasper Tranberg, Sko & Torp, Christoffer Møller, Niels Vincentz, Jesper Lovedale og Thomas Frank amomg others
As a leader :
1990 Traffic Jam. feat : John Tchcai : sax - Uffe Steen : guitar
1994 As Of Now. feat : Morten Gronvad : vibs.
1996 Cleanshave. w/ Carsten Dahl, Kasper Tranberg, Thor Madsen, Niels Vinzentz
2004 Modern Shapes. w/ Ryde, Vincentz, Moller, Mogensen
2005 Everything I Love. feat : Wolfgang Muthspiel(au) : guitar
2006 Pocket Music. feat : Lew Soloff(us) : trumpet
2010 Playsongs Feat : Valentine Quartet
2011 Everything Will Change : music by Ryde - Broholm
2014 : A Night Out : Feat : Niels Ryde : bass, Bjarne Roupe : guitar, Simon Spang Hansen : saxophons & Niclas Campagnol(s) : drums will be released in 2014 !
Buy my CD´s at : or Itunes