NICE is a very straight forward Alternative Hard Rock band that mixes both pride and passion, with fun and outrageous.
Melodic Bass riffs and cutting edge rhythm guitars, fuel the driving force behind the meat of life inspired occurrences that are carefully formulated into short poetic stories. Vocals are rough and sung in harmony with a pop style influence that emulates artistic freedom and style. The presence of Classic Rock Roots is evident mixed with what the band describes as "New Metal", and the percussion provides a backbone for the band that exceeds the expectations of the average run of the mill 3 piece band.

Everyone in the band has been working very hard in their solo careers to provide for each of their own family's. Some are still writing music, others are even playing in other projects. Nice has written, recorded and released 3 albums to date; Atrophy, Atrophy Mastered and Calloused From Long Goodbyes. Keep your eyes peeled for a 4th. The guys haven't promised anything as of late but rumor has it that there's already enough fresh material written to drop another CD, so cross your fingers

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