The band was founded in 1996 by guitarist / songwriter Norbert Czetvitz.
From the very beginning the quintet has been inspired by bands likeBolt Thrower, Entombed, Crowbar, etc. and in our lyrics we deal with important issues of existence such as social problems or the relationof mankind and nature.

Our debut demo “Requiem For A Helpless World”was recorded and released in late 1996 and it was completely sold outall over the world since then. After the release of the Requiem...demo we started to play live regularly. The band’s style wentthrough some perceptible changes since the debut: the followingreleases contain more mature, more up-to-date, more dynamic stuff. Inthe year 1999, the song called It’s Back appeared on several internationally distributed compilation albums and on our debutalbum, “Nadir”as well. The album was released by Nephilim Records Hungary inSeptember 2000, followed by several country-wide tours and festivalappearances all over Hungary and in the neighboring / nearby countries, too. Moreover, we opened for bands like CROWBAR, PRO-PAIN,STAMPIN’ GROUND, MASTER, D.R.I., VADER, KRISIUN, NAPALM DEATH,DYING FETUS, MERAUDER or ENTOMBED at their regional gigs and alsoplayed on several international summer festivals, including the M.I.K.K. Fest (Slovenia), the Senta Youth Games (Serbia), Metal Forever Festival, More Than Fest (Slovakia) – or the Sziget Festival (Hungary), one of the biggest and most popular cultural events in Europe.

Since Nephilim Records collapsed in 2001 we released both our second andthird album, “Global Depressing System”(2002), “Tenacity”(2005), the “We,The Scum Of The Earth”EP (2007) as well as our latest release, the “ThoseWho Bought The Rain”album ourselves.We brought out a split EP with Dim Vision (“LotusEaters”)in the end of 2009 and the “Eco-ethic”album came out in 2010. Then in 2011, we paid respect to our musical influences with the “Underground Heroes”cover album, encompassing a large spectrum of underground metal /hardcore music, featuring a couple of guest musicians. In 2012, a brand new full length came out recently, by the name of“Exitus”, followed by our 20th anniversary release, an EP entitled “A Lasting Dose Of Venom”in late 2013.

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