Jessica N. Abraham is the founder and owner of Shorty Produkshins.
It has always been her life’s work to use the company, which was formed as a necessity, to promote worthwhile projects that can better uplift communities. She stresses the fact that “one must love what they do in order to reflect the passion of each client’s own vision to potential consumers in each niche market.”
Ever since she was a youngster, she has had a passion for promoting products and brands that she loves amongst her peers. She started this very early with the creation of multiple childhood “clubs,” that allowed her and her friends to share interests with one another, ultimately grooming her for a leadership role later in life. It was through these “clubs” that she learned that our self interest in brands and ideals comes rooted through our own personal experiences and need for those brands in our immediate life. Thus, she learned early on that in marketing to the masses, we must strive to attach vital brand concepts to the core of each consumer’s perception of brand persona.
Often called “colorful,” or “eccentric,” Jessica has shaped her life around “thinking outside of the box.” While a creator, herself, she often finds more satisfaction in participating as a background role in the creation of project success for others. She realizes that there are many creative minds and talented people that have a hard time reaching audiences on their own, and instead, could use someone like her to help them to reach their full potential, whether through communication, marketing or simply brand focus.
Shorty Produkshins has strived to create “a new era in royalty” since the beginning. While Shorty Produkshins reflects the personal journey of Jessica Abraham, it also reflects the dedication, energies and journeys of all those that have been a part of the company from the commencement into the world as a small record label and make-shift studio on into the successful marketing firm it is today!
As the World evolved, so did Jessica’s eccentric, impulsive and even risky mindset that lead to the drastic evolution of Shorty Produkshins throughout time. And, while “time may be an illusion,” the ladies and gentlemen that leant hand to raising “Jessica’s Baby (Shorty Produkshins)” are the reality of her inspiration and motivation to NOT give up even when times got hard. It was their influence that lead to a strong sense of pride in Shorty Produkshins and what lead it to continue strong in brand dedication and taking those necessary risks to ensure a positive future for the company and all involved in its daily makings.
For over ten years, Jessica has promised herself that the outlet she offers others as a platform for brand awareness would always allow room for the client’s own creative control to shine through. Often more times than not, marketing firms, record labels and brokerage companies, do not allow room for actual client creativity to shine through that of their own. Jessica, however, feels this is important in creating the uniqueness that makes a brand in demand amongst audiences and feels it is imperative to continue this tactic on through the duration of the brand’s tenure in the business world and considers herself more of a “coach” than a director, while helping bring direction to the client’s execution of the brand’s vision.
Through the years, Jessica has used the servicing of Shorty Produkshins to provide servicing to many clientele, Worldwide, many of which the world will never know about. “It is more important,” she feels, “that the brand’s message gets out than the vain recognition for the delivery of the message.” This tactic has allowed her company to be in-demand amongst potential competitors as an outsourced tool for implementation, as opposed to being “the enemy” ready for destruction. It has also been a pivotal point in the growth, validation and determination that has allowed Shorty Produkshins to continue to succeed. It has been the seed that has set other subsidarial brands into motion, including a “Promotion’s Web” and Consultation companies.
While Jessica is satisfied with all of her experiences and imprints on the world thus far, she is not content in stopping now. She feels she owes it to friends, family and clients that have believed in her dream, over the years, to continue striving for future success and in taking Shorty Produkshins to the next level. In expanding the company across all borders, Jessica feels it is necessary for the brand to stay true to its original essence and continued enthusiasm through each and every product, brand or ideal birthed and groomed through its growing client base.