MOOV is more than a magazine it’s a movement.
We strive to build a platform on which Creative

Entrepreneurs can market, network, and inspire. We achieve this by featuring Creative Entrepreneurs, their stories and their businesses, in Canada and all over the world. We also provide a platform on which entrepreneurs can further market themselves and network with each other. The fields we cover allow entrepreneurs from different fields to meet and benefit from one another. At the same time providing inspiration for youth who may be interested in the fields we cover. We also provide services at afoordable prices so Entrepreneurs can further develop their businesses and promote.

There are six sections in the magazine, each relating to the six areas of business we focus on. These six fields include writing, entertainment, fashion, community, the arts and creative business. MOOV strives to shine a spotlight on Canada’s & International Creative Entrepreneurs, at the same time, inspiring youth to strive towards attaining their own spotlights.

Every season a new issue is published and a launch party is held, which makes us a quarterly online publication. MOOV was founded in 2009 and launched its first official magazine in March of 2010. In the near future an interactive magazine will be introduced to the site. MOOV is based out of Toronto, Canada. Although we are mainly an online magazine, we host special events throughout the year all over the G.T.A. These events include but are not limited to, our seasonal launches and special events. We also have a lot of presence in the Social Networks such as Facebook, Twitter

and MySpace. Make sure to join us so we can keep this “moovment mooving.”

At MOOV we believe that positive thinking combined with positive movements and determination equals a road map to success. A wise man once said, “Action may not always bring you happiness, but there is no happiness without action.” MOOV shares this belief. Dreams and success are attainable as long as you stay focused, determined and strive towards them.

Every season, here at MOOV you’ll meet entrepreneurs who prove this belief to be true. ~

Thanks for your time … Stay Blessed!!!

Much Love,

The MOOV Family

#JoinTheMOOVment If You Haven't Already :)

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