During the summer of 1998, and by the hand of three friends, MONS LVNAE came to existence.
From the three founder members (Cuca, Luis Tito and Hugo Gomes) only the guitar player Hugo Gomes still remains at the current line-up of the band.The name MONS LVNAE (Latin for Mount of the Moon) was suggested a year and a half later by bass player Rodrigo Machado, who discovered the name in abook that concerned Portuguese castles and History of Portugal.
During the early years, the sound of the band was more Melodic Black Metal oriented, with fast guitar riffs, screaming voice, ambient keyboards and blast beat drums (made using a sampler). But in 2001 with the entrance of female singer Catarina Vaz Gomes, the rhythm of the band began to slow down, following straight into the direction of Goth/Folk Metal, with the alternation between male (Fernando Marques) and female (Catarina Gomes) voice.
In 2002 the band releases their first Demo which was called “IMPERIVM LVNAE” (Empire ofthe Moon), through the hands of Catarina Gomes (Female Voice), Fernando Marques (Male Voice, Bass Guitar and Programming), Luis Tito (Electric Guitar) and HugoGomes (Electric Guitar and Programming). The production was at charge of Hugo Gomes which recorded at home, and even though it was very amateurish, this Demo-CD was able to gather a small attention by the media and by the public of Portuguese underground.
In June of 2004 with Ana Figueiredo on the Flute and Ares on the Bass Guitar as a guest musician, MONS LVNAE steps on stage by the very first time, playing all the four songs that were meant to be recorded for their second Demo-CD as well as some of “IMPERIVM LVNAE”. On December of the same year, MONS LVNAE performed a concert in which the last song to be played, had the participation of Tiago Lopes on the Drums… for the very first time MONS LVNAE was counting with a human drummer and not with a sample machine.
In February of 2005, MONS LVNAE releases their second Demo-CD which was called “REVIDERE AD VITAM” (Return to Life). Again the production was in charge of Hugo Gomes, and although it was far from being perfect it had a lot more improvements concerning to it’s predecessor. This is the first audio recording from MONS LVNAE where the flute can be heard, and also the female voice as a leading voice (no male voice was recorded). Although there was much hope and expectation surrounding “REVIDERE AD VITAM”, the band’s work didn’t gather much attention and had some harsh criticism.
On June of 2006, with Célia Ramos on the leading vocals and Gualter Charrua on the bass guitar, MONS LVNAE returns to the stage after a year and a half of silence. Also by this time, the band was working out on a new release.
On April of 2007, with Célia on Vocals, Ana on the Flute, Hugo and Fernando on Guitars and Back Vocals, Gualter on Bass Guitar and Tiago on Drums, “KYRIE” (the name was changed to “Seven Winds”, but later it was again changed to “KYRIE”) was released. This work had the best production that the band had so far, and with no doubt was the best work from MONS LVNAE in all musical levels. On “KYRIE” three songs from the past were re-recorded, and also five new songs were released. The band’s new work had a very positive acceptance throughout the world and also in Portugal.
On July of 2007, MONS LVNAE achieves the second place on “Vieira Rock 2007” music contest, which took place on the beautiful city of Vieira do Minho, in the North of Portugal. It was kind of an historical achievement, since rarely metal bands can achieve this kind position in a general music contest here in Portugal. MONS LVNAE returned to Vieira do Minho in 2008.
On the 22nd February of 2013, MONS LVNAE’s Drummer João Monteiro steps on “The Pentagon Studio Manufacturers” with musical producer Fernando Matias, to start the recording of the band’s first studio album. Recording sessions were ended at 8thDecember of 2013, and the album is currently in the final stage of being mixed and mastered. It is expected to be released at early 2014.
In a parallel project to the recording of the album, in 2013, MONS LVNAE made a remake of it’s 2007 EP “KYRIE”, under the name “KYRIE XIII”. Guitar, Bass Guitar and Keyboard tracks were all re-recorded and mixed with the original 2007 Vocal, Flute and Drums tracks. Also a new version of “La Luna” was recorded. “KYRIEXIII” was launched in 12nd December of 2013, with a new Artwork conceived by MONS LVNAE’s former Lead Singer Catarina Vaz Gomes.
In 2015, MONS LVNAE releases it's first studio album, "LOTVS".