Charlene Thomas, also known as Miss Me, is a female rapper out of Sacramento, California.
The subject matter within her lyrics is deep, truthful, controversial, and on occasion, just plain silly. Writing and rapping about reality is Miss Me’s favorite subject. BiggMann has often said, “Once she is in tune with the music, there is no stopping her.” Her music and lyrics are highly influenced by rappers like BiggMann, Marvaless, and E-40. Listening to these artists inspire her to write music in a way that only she can pull off.

Stepping outside of the box has never been an issue for Miss Me. She sees beauty in art when art is truthful. If there is no truth in that art, there is no beauty. She says what she wants, although, she does not talk much. Instead, she forms her thoughts into poetry and attacks the microphone.

BiggMann discovered Miss Me when she was seasoned in age. She is not a factor of the typical rap crowd. She spends a great amount of her days working on her various crafts and avoiding the bottle-popping scene, as of lately. Miss Me does not do music to collect a profit, as she would rather tell her story to the masses. She uses her ill sense of humor and truthful lyrics to captivate listeners new and old. Her listeners inspire her to write. She frequently asks for inspiration through prayer. Miss Me takes advantage of her creativity and manhandles it like a rag doll.

Miss Me recently dropped a free mixtape titled, “Burnt”. Her mixtape consists of raunchy, yet, truthful lyrics. Shock value is her niche. She is currently in the creative process of her upcoming EP.

Miss Me considers her mixtape an accomplishment since it was self-released. Miss Me has been played on local radio stations at the beginning of her career. She also appeared on a show titled, “The Geddog Show”, which aired regularly in the Bay Area. Miss Me’s goals include working with one of her favorite artists, who she will not disclose at this moment. She would like to become a fully independent artist and carry her skills over to the administrative aspect of the entertainment industry.

Miss Me would like people to learn from her mistakes. Take from her positive and learn from her negative.

“I am miles removed from rap stardom; I’m just a human that has a story to tell.”

-Miss Me (2015)

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