Affidavit of Mike Luong and full disclosure : I'm a Vietnamese que ( Vietnamese-Chinese) American USA.
:) Mike Grand Parents were from Canton, China....Joanna and Larry Luong (Mom and Dad)Vietnamese Distact 5 (quan 5) in Saigon , Vietnam ( now Ho Chi Minh ). Flead Vietnam during the Vietnam War, through boat to USA (boat people).
It is the brainchild 引人注目 and mastermind 主人 of Judy, Trish and etc Marion\Mercy Health Center 2009 to 2017
"monkey" “猴” refer to asian japanese Racial Slur 亞洲日本種族混亂 thank you JUDY, Trish Hogancamp\Nichols and Marion\Mercy Health Center 2009 to 2017
Official USA citizen March 25, 1985 ... April 19, 1985... Official Recognition
thereafter USA citizen in Sioux City, Iowa. Bank Card And my birthday is on Dec. 25 ...yup Christmas morning. Vietnamese que ( Vietnamese-Chinese) American ...get both Vietnam and Chinese cultures :) born Saigon, Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh) - Chinatown Saigon, Vietnam became a USA citizen March 25, 1985. Link to Iowa Vietnamese . Zune/Xbox Music: Raver99 Member Since 7/15/2007 - current
TYPE ONE ( TAIWAN ) diabetes 2009 to 2016 "MAKE IT LIKE A CAR ACCIDENT" June 16 2009 to 2017 (after Marion/Mercy Health Center) Advil (I WILL ) n NyQuil (I WILL) also minoxidil ( MAKE A DEAL) 2009 to 2017 GINGER Dry ( Dry County CANADA DRY) Contessa 複數 ( no contest 沒有競爭) ... Marion/Mercy Health Center 2009 to 2017...CORN STARCH white power ( 可卡因 cocaine ), exploitation 開...Part of Judy, Trish or Elizabeth conditioning from 2009 to 2017.
Involved in Human trafficking ( TRISH, KIM or JUDY) 2009 to 2016 TYPE ONE ( TAIWAN ) diabetes 2009 to 2016
2007 Zune player at STAPLES
KIM, JUDY, TRISH (Supplier of DRUGS)
Source: SIOUX CITY JOURNAL May 06, 2013
Eric Antonio Wayman, 32, of Sioux City, possession with intent to deliver a controlled substance; sentenced April 26, five years prison.
Trina Johnson, 44, of Sioux City, forgery; sentenced April 25, five years prison suspended, three years probation. LADA Latent Autoimmune Diabetes Adults type1.5 type1.5
2008 Summer Olympics Beijing CHINA , 2012 watched a SINGAPORE Vietnamese music video
Ashlynn (JACKIE n Erine STAPLES)VERVAECKE-MOORE (CENTURY LINK ((SLOWER 互聯網 Internet )) Its About INTERNET ACCESS (On the hoildays ..Thanksgivings N Christmas,
D Heatlh of Sioux City, Iowa 1979, U of Iowa Health 1990, MERCY HEALTH 2009 Sioux City, Iowa, Siouxland Health 209 to 2016 Sioux City, Iowa AUCTION (ocean a part 海洋一部分) 拍賣 2009 to 2016 TRACPHONE, RFID Verchip Human Trail Study, Public Health Care 2009 to 2016: The patient is condition to use familiar dominant language (Chinese) in behavior modification on repetitive words, phases using FAKE VOICES of JOANNA (JUDY, TRISH or KIM) 2009 to 2016, play on words puns in English (live n life from) n Chinese, also PHISHING n PHISHING (chinese Cantonese dominate langauge ) for PERSONAL INFORMATION from the past and current example STAPLES (2001 to 2002) and ETC. during Days n Nights, Day n Weekend trips , Holidays n Vaction trips along with Meals n Sleep with corporation TVB USA, TVBS中天電視-CtiTVn or CNN use in diabetic program in 2009. "IT IS JUDY CASE" ,2008 Summer Olympics Beijing CHINA , 2012 watched a SINGAPORE Vietnamese music viideo, "COVER UP"掩飾 (conditioning 空調 ) 2009 to 2016 KIM or TRISH St. LUKE's PHARMACY 2009 to 2016
"SUGAR HIGH" *Donut, Cookie, Ice Cream, Orange Juice, GLUCOSE and etc. ( when my diabetic blood falls BELOW 70 mg/dl ) diet Coke "COKE DEALER" "BIBLE LAW" Jeremy (GERMAN) Town
2001: Randy DURSTON (Arizona) using for music downloads n etc on WinMX (file share)@ USD (The University of South Dakota) recall Durston saying "I use WinMX for downloading music, copy them and sell the music CD disk for $10.00" Thanks for the Spider .exe virus (photo of the email) by the way Tabetha, Christina Eliza (Beth) HEATON (2004 USD ) thanks you also.
RFID CONDITION 2009 to 2015: The patient is condition to use one familiar dominant language (Chinese) in behavior modification on repetitive words, phases using the FAKE VOICES of your FAMILY members, play on words in English (live n live from) n Chinese, also Phishing n Phishing (chinese) during Days n Nights, Day n Weekend trips , Holidays n Vaction trips along with Meals n Sleep.
The University of South Dakota: Steven M BELL RN (register nurse), Randy (Randell) L Durston, Julia Strathern HEATON(2001) MD(medical doctor), Christina Eliza (Beth) Heaton(2004)\patterson\ hansen\BECKER\beyer\Baker\
Gordon, Jay, Jason, Janet, Lisa Becker, Tabetha, Trish, Elaine Hansen
*2001-2002: Tracy/Traci, BETH, Tabetha and Marlyin (pharmacist) ....Star Wars episode 2 @USD 2001-2002: Trisha, cashier at Staples stole some money.
2009 JUNE 6 HyVee refer to Walgreen (Dry Mouth)
JUNE 8, Siouxland Community Health Center doctors : Julie S Heaton, Brenner, and Peters JUNE 8, MERCY PILOT/TEST RFID STUDY MEDICAL PROGRAM (MERCY 2009 )
Taft at Mercy showed me how to use Novolog and Humalog Insulin. "COVER UP"
2009 (MERCY) procedure caused my auto with a stay dog while having Progressive. *Find another region/language or Settle account in another State (Kanasas, Arkanas etc.) *Forget Philadelphia cousins, morningside/west side psychos and etc. *Baker (thank Elaine) use of SCHWANS 蜀王冷凍食品 products ( EBT frozen foods 冷冻食品???) *MOORE/NICHOLS/BECKER DRINKING BUDDY *Hilda Baker argueement with Randy/Justin *Randy n Elaine arguement than Elaine and Kim/ Trisha (blonde hair) arguement *Elaine pool party with Beanie and/or Jay and/or Sara also Carolyn/Suzan (TAFT) Wayman-Hansen (MERCY) 2009 Freak Rain in Sioux City Iowa September 11, 2009
2010: Judy (Becker/Hansen/Heaton) school tendership/scholarship
2011: March SSI MAY Stotlemyer CNN Virus you CHINK (叮当响)
2013: NO (YES) Eliane/Heather/Trisha/Judy/
Sara/Angela Rumpaz/Gonzales,Jeremy/Joshua/
Trac(i)y (date/child RAPE condition) NO (YES) Moore/Gonzales/Beyer/
Becker/Bell/Johnson (date/child RAPE condition) ((( Heather McMahon and Ginger, Angela, Patty (Francis) , Rodney )))
2011 condition techiques: Movie Star (move out), reindeer (brain dead ) games, old McDonalds, singing, space (2,3,4 bedroom ) war, white power ( 可卡因 cocaine ) and etc. Jencks Act 詹克斯法案 prosecutor is required to turn over all evidence.
MY ICU (intensive Care Unit) STAY AT Mercy Medical Center on JUNE 6, 2009. Place Insulin and Ivy at Mercy Medical Center in Pod 4, SIoux City, Iowa. they found Diabetic on JUNE 8. I went to Siouxland Community Health Center , the nurse mention 15-20 wait for the Doctor. Got weighted in at 123POUNDS, very thin (body type)and tired. Mercy Medical Center ,great staff :), The staff in ICU pod 4?? was great, blood techs and found DIABETES. LIKE to thank Barbie (BOBBI C), at Mercy, Barb S nurse, Kelly and Steve R BELL was a nurse at 2009. Steve R BELL, in my opinion should have been a doctor, taking all my blood sugar tests and vitals while the Doctor had a Dinner Party. Highly medicated with insulin, lack of sleep in taking blood draws very 15-20minutes, and hourly. My mind was a loopy catatonic state of mind, I filled out a 2009 Verichip Rfid medical program at Mercy Medical Center and Siouxland Community Heath Center also some one from DAVE Harkeye in Sioux City, Iowa. The on going Verichip RFID medical study program at Mercy Medical Center and Siouxland Community Heath Center leaded by Julie ( Julia, Judy) S HEATON MD, and Steven M BELL/Parker,"TEAM HAVING FUN", Tom Baker, Randy (Randell) L Durston, John Baker (John Beyer), Christina Elizabeth Baker, Lisa Ryan, Lisa Johnson, Hilda Baker, Lisa Becker, Elaine Hansen, Kim Nichols\Johnson\Hansen, Tim David Ryan, Steve Duane Ryan, NATHAN BECKER, Heather Mcmahon, GINGER MOORE, JEREMY BEYER in Sioux City, IOWA. You are guilty of Iowa Code 726.7 and USA code 2340 .
2009 Verichip Rfid medical program at Mercy Medical Center 歡迎Mercy醫療中心蘇城 doctor(s) and "TEAM HAVING FUN" / Bobbi C (Barbie) , Jill BEHRENDT, John Beyer, Amanda Beyer, JIM Wayman/Parker, Christina Heaton/Hansen, Vivian J Hansen, Patty/Jennifer Hansen, Barbara S , Hilda C Baker/Ramirez, Heather McMahon
, Sara Hansen, Ginger Moore, Marion\MERCY Health Center
UPDATE: Jan 3, 2017 "IT IS JUDY CASE" , "COVER UP"掩飾 (conditioning 空調 ) 2009 to 2017
AFFIDAVIT of Mike Luong and full disclosure 2009 to 2017: I'm Vietnamese que ( Vietnamese-Chinese American USA. Grand Parents were from Canton, China....Joanna and Larry Luong (Mom and Dad)Vietnamese Distact 5 (quan 5) in Saigon 1978 , Vietnam ( Ho Chi Minh ). Flead Vietnam during Vietnam War, through boat to USA (boat people). My Birthday on Dec. 25 ...yup Christmas. Vietnamese que ( Vietnamese-Chinese) American ...get both Vietnam and Chinese cultures :) Became a Official USA citizen March 25, 1985 ... April 19, 1985... Official Recognition thereafter USA citizen in Sioux City, Iowa at the age of 12/13. Zune/Xbox Music: Raver99 Member Since 7/15/2007 - current Warstorm 2009 -Sept.30 2011 Confrontation Dec 11, 2012 - D Heatlh of Sioux City, Iowa 1979, U of Iowa Health 1990, MERCY HEALTH 2009 Sioux City, Iowa, Siouxland Health 209 to 2016 Sioux City, Iowa AUCTION (ocean a part 海洋一部分) 拍賣 2009 to 2016 TRACPHONE, RFID Verchip Human Trail Study, Public Health Care 2009 to 2016: The patient is condition to use familiar dominant language (Chinese) in behavior modification on repetitive words, phases using FAKE VOICES of JOANNA (JUDY, TRISH or KIM) 2009 to 2016, play on words puns in English (live n life from) n Chinese, also PHISHING n PHISHING (chinese Cantonese dominate langauge ) for PERSONAL INFORMATION from the past and current example STAPLES (2001 to 2002) and ETC. during Days n Nights, Day n Weekend trips , Holidays n Vaction trips along with Meals n Sleep with corporation TVB USA, TVBS, 中天電視-CtiTV (Tiawan NEWS) n or CNN use in diabetic program in 2009. 2007 Zune player at STAPLES "IT IS JUDY CASE" ,2008 Summer Olympics Beijing CHINA , 2012 watched a SINGAPORE Vietnamese music viideo ((getting these places)), "COVER UP"掩飾 (conditioning 空調 ) 2009 to 2016 KIM or TRISH St. LUKE's PHARMACY 2009 to 2016
Phishing for personal information from the past to current example STAPLES, and etc. Also using this scam/scheme to benefit early retirement plans, plan to sell off assets (antiques) and college funds. And covering for their JUVENILE and or criminal record(s) and preventing to pay off bills (payee). Ashlynn VERVAECKE-MOORE (CENTURY LINK ((SLOWER 互聯網 Internet )) Its About INTERNET ACCESS (On the hoildays ..Thanksgivings N Christmas, Neighbors are trying to steal INTERNET access CODE to get INTERNET connection) 2001-2016, CANADA DRY(Dry County) 2009-2016, you DO NOT have a PC/laptop (2009-2016) (CenturyLink) 世紀互聯 (2001 to 2016) ++ diabetes 糖尿病 Tángniàobìng (BING microsoft) Tángniàobìng (Tángniàobank BANK robber) Caller ID phone (CID) 2001-2015 LADA Latent Autoimmune Diabetes Adults type1.5 type1.5 Bobbie\Barb S RN "potassium pills" at Marion HeHealth/MERCY JUNE 2009. BOBBI C (nurse follower between Marion and St. Lukes) Siouxland Community Health Center AMY nurse (JUNE 2009) IOWA LEGAL AID (Lawyer Grant) diabetes SSI Sioux City, IOWA 2009 February 26, 2015 - FCC passes the Title II Net Neutrality Rules. “In a 3-2 party-line vote, the FCC passes open internet rules applying to both wired and wireless internet connections grounded in Title II authority.” ST LUKES TRISH or ELIZABETH (Pharmacy)
"SUGAR HIGH" *Donut, Cookie, Ice Cream, Orange Juice, GLUCOSE and etc. ( when my diabetic blood falls BELOW 70 mg/dl ) diet "COKE DEALER" "BIBLE LAW" "FAGGOT STATE" Jeremy (GERMAN) Town ++MAY 3 2011 STOTLEMYER CNN FACEBOOK VIRUS TYPE ONE (Taiwan) JULIE TVBS "Mike Luong has a FALSETTO VOICE" (EUGENICS condition) "BIBLE STALKER CHRISTIAN REPUBLICIAN British LAW", "I'M ALREADY DEAD"2015, ELAINE (WORLD "PSYCHO/PSYCHIC COURTHOUSE", "SIMPLE (simpleton) MIND Jeremy/Jamie (GERMAN德國/BIBLE聖經) KLAN Town", JJ, Breenie,(cabello rojo/red GRINGO) Jay, Justin with aggerative assult, "ACT LIKE IT" 2009, "JAP" Monkey (japanese) The University of South Dakota: Steven M BELL RN (register nurse), Randy (Randell) L Durston, Julia (Judy) Strathern Heaton \BEECHER\(2001) MD, KIM-Khristina (CHRIS) Eliza (Beth) (cabello 金發rubia/blonde GRINGA ) HEATON, RANDY DURSTON argument Hilda BAKER/ORDONEZ/RAMIREZ/CASTRO) 2009 TRISH,Trisha,Diana,GINNY/GINGER,ASHLEY,Yvonne,Janice,Judy,JACKIE,KIM go back to JAIL. 2001: BETH (Sioux Falls) n Randy Lee (STAPLES) DURSTON (Arizona) using for music downloads n etc on WinMX (file share)@ USD (The University of South Dakota) recall Durston saying "I use WinMX for downloading music, copy them and sell the music CD disk for $10.00" Thanks for the Spider .exe virus (photo of the email) by the way Tabetha, (KIM) (KRIS) Christina Eliza(Beth) HEATON/Parker/Hanus/Whitlock/Johnsen, Johnson (2004 USD ) thanks you also. Told Jackie (STAPLES) Vervaecke-FLAUGH n Erine to give the item to Randy Durston. Justin/Dustin Durston Josh/Joshua, JACKIE, GINNY n ASHLYNN\Ashley Vervaecke-MOORE/NICOHLS, TRISH n RONALD MOORE\Kim (St. Luke's Phanmacy)
1989 to 1990: Collar bone right shoulder injury @ U of Iowa
RFID diabetes blood (alcohol) number CONDITION, Human Trail Study, Public Health Care 2009 to 2016: The patient is condition to use familiar dominant language (Chinese) in behavior modification on repetitive words, phases using FAKE VOICES of FAMILY members, play on words puns in English (live n life from) n Chinese, also Phishing n Phishing (chinese) during Days n Nights, Day n Weekend trips , Holidays n Vaction trips along with Meals n Sleep with corporation TVB USA, TVBS n or CNN use in diabetic program in 2009. Also using this scam/scheme to benefit early retirement plans, plan to sell off assets (antiques) and college funds. And covering for their JUVENILE and or criminal record(s) and preventing to pay off bills (payee). This on going 2009,~2016, Verichip Rfid medical diabetes blood (alchol) number study at Mercy Medical Center 歡迎Mercy醫療中心蘇城 and Siouxland Community Health 依阿華蘇城附近的 leaded/conducted by Julie ( Julia, Judy) S HEATON MD, and Steven M BELL/Parker also Heather McMAHON. ((PLAYING BOTH SIDES))
The University of South Dakota: Steven M BELL RN (register nurse), Randy (Randell) L Durston, Julia Strathern HEATON(2001) MD(medical doctor), Christina Eliza (Beth) Heaton(2004)\patterson\ hansen\BECKER\beyer\Baker\Gordon, Jay, Jason, Janet, Lisa Becker, Tabetha, TRISH, Elaine Hansen, KIM Nguyen (NO WIN)
*2001-2002: Tracy/Traci, BETH, Tabetha and Marlyin (pharmacist) ....Star Wars episode 2 @USD 2001-2002: Trisha, cashier at Staples stole some money. "BLOODY HELL" (2004)Elaine Hansen drops names: Adam, NICOLE L TEDFORD-DURSTON, NATHAN n LISA BECKER, KIMBERLY, JENIFER, DAVE (David), Jancie, Rebbecca, Breenie, RON n GINGER\GINNY HOGANCAMP/MOORE-MILLER, JEREMY or SHANE MILLER, KYLE MOORE, COURTNEY REISSEN, JACKIE, Jess(ica), JAY, Jason, Pam, Lisa n CHISTY BECKER,Tabetha, Brian n Stephiane MILLS-DURSTON, Justin Durston, JJ, ASHLYNN\ASHLEY MOORE Articles of Confederation (Patty Beyer) Freedom of Religion 宗教在美國自由 USA Constitution 2009 JUNE 6 HyVee refer to Walgreen (Dry Mouth)
JUNE 8, Siouxland Community Health Center doctors : Julie S Heaton, Brenner, and Peters JUNE 8, Marion Health Center/MERCY PILOT/TEST RFID diabetes blood (alchol) number STUDY MEDICAL PROGRAM (Marion Health Center/Mercy 2009 ) Marion Health Barb (Lunch Lady JUNE 2009) (Gary Durston Girf Friend) 2001-2002
Tafi Lorinser Diabetic Education at Marion Health Center/Mercy showed me how to use Novolog and Humalog Insulin. "COVER UP" JUNE 13 BELL/HEATON/HANSON/HANSEN
2009 @ MERCY RN Steve asked "What is the item in my hand" I said "my ZUNE music Player." (MERCY) procedure caused my auto with a stay dog while having Progressive. *Find another region/language or Settle account in another State (Kanasas, Arkanas etc.) *Forget Philadelphia cousins, morningside/west side psychos and etc. *Baker (thank Elaine) use of SCHWANS 蜀王冷凍食品 products ( EBT frozen foods 冷冻食品???) *MOORE/NICHOLS/BECKER DRINKING BUDDY *Hilda Baker argueement with Randy/Justin *Randy n Elaine arguement than Elaine and Kim/Trisha (GRINGA RUBIA/BLONDE hair) arguement *Elaine pool party with Beanie/Jay(GRINGO ROJO/RED hair) n/or Sara also Carolyn/Suzan (TAFT) Wayman-Hansen (MERCY) 2009 Freak Rain in Sioux City Iowa September 11, 2009 INTERNET
2010: Judy (Becker/Hansen/Heaton) school tendership/scholarship
2011: March SSI MAY Stotlemyer CNN Virus you CHINK (叮当响)
2013: NO (YES) Eliane/Heather/Trisha/Judy/Sara/Angela/JACKIE/KIM/GINGER/NICOLE/CAROLINE/ Rumpaz/Gonzales,Jeremy/Joshua/Trac(i)y (date/child RAPE condition) NO (YES) Moore/Gonzales/Beyer/Becker/Bell/Johnson/Parker (date/child RAPE condition) (( Heather McMahon and Ginger, Angela, Patty (Francis) , Rodney ))
2011 condition techiques: Movie Star (move out), reindeer (brain dead ) games, old McDonalds, singing, space (2,3,4 bedroom ) war, CORN STARCH white power ( 可卡因 cocaine ) n etc. Jencks Act 詹克斯法案 prosecutor is required to turn over all evidence.
MY ICU (intensive Care Unit) STAY AT Mercy Medical Center on JUNE 6, 2009. Place Insulin and I.V. Solution (AFTER 2009 NEWS found HIV in I.V. devise in the siouxland area) at Mercy Medical Center in Pod 4, SIoux City, Iowa. they found Diabetic on JUNE 8. I went to Siouxland Community Health Center , the nurse mention 15-20 wait for the Doctor. Got weighted in at 123POUNDS, very thin (body type)and tired. Mercy Medical Center ,great staff :), The staff in ICU pod 4?? was great, blood techs n found DIABETES. LIKE to thank Barbie (BOBBI C), at Mercy, Barb S nurse, Kelly n Steve R BELL was a nurse at 2009. Steve R BELL, in my opinion should have been a doctor, and asked about Mike Luong ZUNE, taking all my blood sugar tests n vitals while the Doctor had a Dinner Party. Highly medicated with insulin, lack of sleep in taking blood draws very 15-20minutes, and hourly. My mind was a loopy catatonic state of mind, I filled out a 2009 Verichip Rfid diabetes blood (alchol) number program at Mercy Medical Center and Siouxland Community Heath Center also some one from Bridgit, DAVE Harkeye/Mission Health 2009 in Sioux City, Iowa. The on going Verichip RFID diabetes blood (alchol) number study program at Mercy Medical Center and Siouxland Community Heath Center leaded by Julie ( Julia, Judy) S HEATON MD, and Steven M BELL/Parker,"TEAM HAVING FUN", Tom Baker, Randy (Randell) L Durston, John Baker (John Beyer), Christina Elizabeth Baker, Lisa Ryan, Lisa Johnson, Hilda Baker, Lisa Becker, Elaine Hansen, Kim Nichols\Johnson\Hansen, Tim David Ryan, Steve Duane Ryan, NATHAN BECKER, Heather McMAHON, GINGER MOORE, JEREMY BEYER in Sioux City, IOWA. You are guilty of Iowa Code 726.7 and USA code 2340 .
2009 Verichip Rfid diabetes blood (alchol) number program at Mercy Medical Center 歡迎Mercy醫療中心蘇城 doctor(s) and "TEAM HAVING FUN" / Bobbi C (Barbie) , Jill BEHRENDT, John Beyer, Amanda Beyer, JIM Wayman/Parker, Christina Heaton/Hansen, Vivian J Hansen, Patty/Jennifer Hansen, Barbara S , Hilda C Baker/Ramirez, Heather McMahon, Sara Hansen, Ginger Moore, Kyle Moore, Trisha MOORE/Hansen, Angela Flanagan/Rumpza/Clark/McMahon/Gonzales/Moore/Smith, Michael Todd Baker, Steve M Bell, Julie Becker, Lisa Becker, Elaine Hansen, Elizabeth (Beth) Parker/Anderson/Hansen/Peterson/Hogancamp, Carolyn/Suzan (TAFT) Wayman-Hansen, Sara Whitlock/BAKER, Julie (Judy) Sheeder/Nichols/Strain,Smithberg/Patterson/Heaton MD and staff on June 2009 using the antenna transmitter of the Sayaka Endoscope Capsule WiFi endoscopy capsulse 膠囊內鏡檢查 pill cam VIDEO) FDA FDA approved pill @Potassium Pill. SISTER FLANAGAN (2016)
JUNE 13 BRENNER/JONTHAN "ITS JUDY'S CASE" "THEY ARE Halo USA CITIZENS" "WHO SHOT BOBBI" (2009) "LETS BID/BUY BREENIE A NEW CELLPHONE" "You Can't Out SMART an Ex CON" BELL/PARKER/HEATON/HANSON RFID Halo CONDITION +Bobbi C(Gary Durston) with "potassium RFID pill" at Mercy +aggravated assault PARKER ++2009 +JULY detraction from Judy n others (MERCY) caused my auto with a stay dog while having Progressive +Mecry (POOL ORDINANCE 游泳池條例 signatures) 2009. +Mercy (diabetes RFID Halo BLOOD NUMBER SUGAR ALCOHOL study 2009) n mind EUGENICS conditioning +Taft at Mercy showed me how to use Novolog n Humalog Insulin. *Elaine party w Caroline Petersen (TAFT) mercy diabetic educator) At MERCY ... RN STeve asked "What was the item in my hand" I said it was a ZUNE music player. 2009 +Baker/ Parker with the gun in the drive way @ Elaine's HOUSE *BREENIE or JAY at Elaine Pool Party 2009 +MOORE/NICHOLS/BECKER DRINKING BUDDY *Hilda Baker argueement with Randy Durston *Randy n Elaine arguement than Elaine n KIM/Trish (cabello BLONDE/rubia GRINGA) arguement "LOWER PROPERTY VALUE (their FOODs SMELLs) , WE OWES INCOME TAXES" *Ramiez/Baker/Castro with the gun *Elaine pool party with Beanie n/or Jay and/or Sara also TAFT (MERCY) *has a JUVENILE record Steve\Jeremy (Bell, Parker) *Judy HANSEN\HANSON (PETERSON SON) *Durston/ Elizabeth, Kim, Elaine agruement outside front porch +2009 Freak RAIN in Sioux City Iowa Sept 11, 2009 +Paker/Beyer Jeremy is selling 可卡因 cocaine. +2010: Judy (Becker/Hansen/Heaton) school tendership/scholarship +2011: March SSI ++MAY 2011 Stotlemyer CNN (Facebook) you CHINK (叮当响) +2013: NO (YES) Eliane/HEATHER/Ginger/PATTY/FRANCIS/PAM/KIM/Trisha/Judy/SARA/ANGELA Rumpaz/Flanagan/Gonzales, JEREMY/JOSHUA/Tracy, MOORE/NICHOLS/Gonzales/Beyer/BECKER/Bell/Johnson (date/child RAPE condition) +2011 condition techiques: Leon (LEAN ON), Movie Star (MOVE OUT), reindeer (BRAIN DEAD) games, old McDonalds, singing, space (2,3,4 bedroom ) war, white power ( 可卡因 cocaine ) n etc. +2009 Verichip Rfid medical program at Mercy 歡迎Mercy醫療中心蘇城 doctor(s)and "TEAM HAVING FUN" / Bobbi C (Barbie) , Jill BEHRENDT, John Beyer, Amanda Beyer, JIM Wayman/Parker, Christina Heaton/Hansen, Vivian J Hansen, Patty/Jennifer Hansen, Barb S , Hilda C Baker/Ramirez/Castro, Heather McMahon, Sara Hansen, Ginger Moore (Nichols\Johnson), Marion\MERCY Health Center
UPDATE: Jan 3, 2017 "IT IS JUDY CASE" , "COVER UP"掩飾 (conditioning 空調 ) 2009 to 2017
AFFIDAVIT of Mike Luong and full disclosure 2009 to 2017: I'm Vietnamese que ( Vietnamese-Chinese American USA. Grand Parents were from Canton, China....Joanna and Larry Luong (Mom and Dad)Vietnamese Distact 5 (quan 5) in Saigon 1978 , Vietnam ( Ho Chi Minh ). Flead Vietnam during Vietnam War, through boat to USA (boat people). My Birthday on Dec. 25 ...yup Christmas. Vietnamese que ( Vietnamese-Chinese) American ...get both Vietnam and Chinese cultures :) Became a Official USA citizen March 25, 1985 ... April 19, 1985... Official Recognition thereafter USA citizen in Sioux City, Iowa at the age of 12/13. Zune/Xbox Music: Raver99 Member Since 7/15/2007 - current Warstorm 2009 -Sept.30 2011 Confrontation Dec 11, 2012 - D Heatlh of Sioux City, Iowa 1979, U of Iowa Health 1990, MERCY HEALTH 2009 Sioux City, Iowa, Siouxland Health 209 to 2016 Sioux City, Iowa AUCTION (ocean a part 海洋一部分) 拍賣 2009 to 2016 TRACPHONE, RFID Verchip Human Trail Study, Public Health Care 2009 to 2016: The patient is condition to use familiar dominant language (Chinese) in behavior modification on repetitive words, phases using FAKE VOICES of JOANNA (JUDY, TRISH or KIM) 2009 to 2016, play on words puns in English (live n life from) n Chinese, also PHISHING n PHISHING (chinese Cantonese dominate langauge ) for PERSONAL INFORMATION from the past and current example STAPLES (2001 to 2002) and ETC. during Days n Nights, Day n Weekend trips , Holidays n Vaction trips along with Meals n Sleep with corporation TVB USA, TVBS, 中天電視-CtiTV (Tiawan NEWS) n or CNN use in diabetic program in 2009. 2007 Zune player at STAPLES "IT IS JUDY CASE" ,2008 Summer Olympics Beijing CHINA , 2012 watched a SINGAPORE Vietnamese music viideo ((getting these places)), "COVER UP"掩飾 (conditioning 空調 ) 2009 to 2016 KIM or TRISH St. LUKE's PHARMACY 2009 to 2016
Phishing for personal information from the past to current example STAPLES, and etc. Also using this scam/scheme to benefit early retirement plans, plan to sell off assets (antiques) and college funds. And covering for their JUVENILE and or criminal record(s) and preventing to pay off bills (payee). Ashlynn VERVAECKE-MOORE (CENTURY LINK ((SLOWER 互聯網 Internet )) Its About INTERNET ACCESS (On the hoildays ..Thanksgivings N Christmas, Neighbors are trying to steal INTERNET access CODE to get INTERNET connection) 2001-2016, CANADA DRY(Dry County) 2009-2016, you DO NOT have a PC/laptop (2009-2016) (CenturyLink) 世紀互聯 (2001 to 2016) ++ diabetes 糖尿病 Tángniàobìng (BING microsoft) Tángniàobìng (Tángniàobank BANK robber) Caller ID phone (CID) 2001-2015 LADA Latent Autoimmune Diabetes Adults type1.5 type1.5 Bobbie\Barb S RN "potassium pills" at Marion HeHealth/MERCY JUNE 2009. BOBBI C (nurse follower between Marion and St. Lukes) Siouxland Community Health Center AMY nurse (JUNE 2009) IOWA LEGAL AID (Lawyer Grant) diabetes SSI Sioux City, IOWA 2009 February 26, 2015 - FCC passes the Title II Net Neutrality Rules. “In a 3-2 party-line vote, the FCC passes open internet rules applying to both wired and wireless internet connections grounded in Title II authority.” ST LUKES TRISH or ELIZABETH (Pharmacy)
"SUGAR HIGH" *Donut, Cookie, Ice Cream, Orange Juice, GLUCOSE and etc. ( when my diabetic blood falls BELOW 70 mg/dl ) diet "COKE DEALER" "BIBLE LAW" "FAGGOT STATE" Jeremy (GERMAN) Town ++MAY 3 2011 STOTLEMYER CNN FACEBOOK VIRUS TYPE ONE (Taiwan) JULIE TVBS "Mike Luong has a FALSETTO VOICE" (EUGENICS condition) "BIBLE STALKER CHRISTIAN REPUBLICIAN British LAW", "I'M ALREADY DEAD"2015, ELAINE (WORLD "PSYCHO/PSYCHIC COURTHOUSE", "SIMPLE (simpleton) MIND Jeremy/Jamie (GERMAN德國/BIBLE聖經) KLAN Town", JJ, Breenie,(cabello rojo/red GRINGO) Jay, Justin with aggerative assult, "ACT LIKE IT" 2009, "JAP" Monkey (japanese) The University of South Dakota: Steven M BELL RN (register nurse), Randy (Randell) L Durston, Julia (Judy) Strathern Heaton \BEECHER\(2001) MD, KIM-Khristina (CHRIS) Eliza (Beth) (cabello 金發rubia/blonde GRINGA ) HEATON, RANDY DURSTON argument Hilda BAKER/ORDONEZ/RAMIREZ/CASTRO) 2009 TRISH,Trisha,Diana,GINNY/GINGER,ASHLEY,Yvonne,Janice,Judy,JACKIE,KIM go back to JAIL. 2001: BETH (Sioux Falls) n Randy Lee (STAPLES) DURSTON (Arizona) using for music downloads n etc on WinMX (file share)@ USD (The University of South Dakota) recall Durston saying "I use WinMX for downloading music, copy them and sell the music CD disk for $10.00" Thanks for the Spider .exe virus (photo of the email) by the way Tabetha, (KIM) (KRIS) Christina Eliza(Beth) HEATON/Parker/Hanus/Whitlock/Johnsen, Johnson (2004 USD ) thanks you also. Told Jackie (STAPLES) Vervaecke-FLAUGH n Erine to give the item to Randy Durston. Justin/Dustin Durston Josh/Joshua, JACKIE, GINNY n ASHLYNN\Ashley Vervaecke-MOORE/NICOHLS, TRISH n RONALD MOORE\Kim (St. Luke's Phanmacy)
1989 to 1990: Collar bone right shoulder injury @ U of Iowa
RFID diabetes blood (alcohol) number CONDITION, Human Trail Study, Public Health Care 2009 to 2016: The patient is condition to use familiar dominant language (Chinese) in behavior modification on repetitive words, phases using FAKE VOICES of FAMILY members, play on words puns in English (live n life from) n Chinese, also Phishing n Phishing (chinese) during Days n Nights, Day n Weekend trips , Holidays n Vaction trips along with Meals n Sleep with corporation TVB USA, TVBS n or CNN use in diabetic program in 2009. Also using this scam/scheme to benefit early retirement plans, plan to sell off assets (antiques) and college funds. And covering for their JUVENILE and or criminal record(s) and preventing to pay off bills (payee). This on going 2009,~2016, Verichip Rfid medical diabetes blood (alchol) number study at Mercy Medical Center 歡迎Mercy醫療中心蘇城 and Siouxland Community Health 依阿華蘇城附近的 leaded/conducted by Julie ( Julia, Judy) S HEATON MD, and Steven M BELL/Parker also Heather McMAHON. ((PLAYING BOTH SIDES))
The University of South Dakota: Steven M BELL RN (register nurse), Randy (Randell) L Durston, Julia Strathern HEATON(2001) MD(medical doctor), Christina Eliza (Beth) Heaton(2004)\patterson\ hansen\BECKER\beyer\Baker\Gordon, Jay, Jason, Janet, Lisa Becker, Tabetha, TRISH, Elaine Hansen, KIM Nguyen (NO WIN)
*2001-2002: Tracy/Traci, BETH, Tabetha and Marlyin (pharmacist) ....Star Wars episode 2 @USD 2001-2002: Trisha, cashier at Staples stole some money. "BLOODY HELL" (2004)Elaine Hansen drops names: Adam, NICOLE L TEDFORD-DURSTON, NATHAN n LISA BECKER, KIMBERLY, JENIFER, DAVE (David), Jancie, Rebbecca, Breenie, RON n GINGER\GINNY HOGANCAMP/MOORE-MILLER, JEREMY or SHANE MILLER, KYLE MOORE, COURTNEY REISSEN, JACKIE, Jess(ica), JAY, Jason, Pam, Lisa n CHISTY BECKER,Tabetha, Brian n Stephiane MILLS-DURSTON, Justin Durston, JJ, ASHLYNN\ASHLEY MOORE Articles of Confederation (Patty Beyer) Freedom of Religion 宗教在美國自由 USA Constitution 2009 JUNE 6 HyVee refer to Walgreen (Dry Mouth)
JUNE 8, Siouxland Community Health Center doctors : Julie S Heaton, Brenner, and Peters JUNE 8, Marion Health Center/MERCY PILOT/TEST RFID diabetes blood (alchol) number STUDY MEDICAL PROGRAM (Marion Health Center/Mercy 2009 ) Marion Health Barb (Lunch Lady JUNE 2009) (Gary Durston Girf Friend) 2001-2002
CAROLINE (Taft) PETERSEN at Marion Health Center/Mercy showed me how to use Novolog and Humalog Insulin. "COVER UP" JUNE 13 BELL/HEATON/HANSON/HANSEN
2009 @ MERCY RN Steve asked "What is the item in my hand" I said "my ZUNE music Player." (MERCY) procedure caused my auto with a stay dog while having Progressive. *Find another region/language or Settle account in another State (Kanasas, Arkanas etc.) *Forget Philadelphia cousins, morningside/west side psychos and etc. *Baker (thank Elaine) use of SCHWANS 蜀王冷凍食品 products ( EBT frozen foods 冷冻食品???) *MOORE/NICHOLS/BECKER DRINKING BUDDY *Hilda Baker argueement with Randy/Justin *Randy n Elaine arguement than Elaine and Kim/Trisha (GRINGA RUBIA/BLONDE hair) arguement *Elaine pool party with Beanie/Jay(GRINGO ROJO/RED hair) n/or Sara also Carolyn/Suzan (TAFT) Wayman-Hansen (MERCY) 2009 Freak Rain in Sioux City Iowa September 11, 2009 INTERNET
2010: Judy (Becker/Hansen/Heaton) school tendership/scholarship
2011: March SSI MAY Stotlemyer CNN Virus you CHINK (叮当响)
2013: NO (YES) Eliane/Heather/Trisha/Judy/Sara/Angela/JACKIE/KIM/GINGER/NICOLE/CAROLINE/ Rumpaz/Gonzales,Jeremy/Joshua/Trac(i)y (date/child RAPE condition) NO (YES) Moore/Gonzales/Beyer/Becker/Bell/Johnson/Parker (date/child RAPE condition) (( Heather McMahon and Ginger, Angela, Patty (Francis) , Rodney ))
2011 condition techiques: Movie Star (move out), reindeer (brain dead ) games, old McDonalds, singing, space (2,3,4 bedroom ) war, CORN STARCH white power ( 可卡因 cocaine ) n etc. Jencks Act 詹克斯法案 prosecutor is required to turn over all evidence.
MY ICU (intensive Care Unit) STAY AT Mercy Medical Center on JUNE 6, 2009. Place Insulin and I.V. Solution (AFTER 2009 NEWS found HIV in I.V. devise in the siouxland area) at Mercy Medical Center in Pod 4, SIoux City, Iowa. they found Diabetic on JUNE 8. I went to Siouxland Community Health Center , the nurse mention 15-20 wait for the Doctor. Got weighted in at 123POUNDS, very thin (body type)and tired. Mercy Medical Center ,great staff :), The staff in ICU pod 4?? was great, blood techs n found DIABETES. LIKE to thank Barbie (BOBBI C), at Mercy, Barb S nurse, Kelly n Steve R BELL was a nurse at 2009. Steve R BELL, in my opinion should have been a doctor, and asked about Mike Luong ZUNE, taking all my blood sugar tests n vitals while the Doctor had a Dinner Party. Highly medicated with insulin, lack of sleep in taking blood draws very 15-20minutes, and hourly. My mind was a loopy catatonic state of mind, I filled out a 2009 Verichip Rfid diabetes blood (alchol) number program at Mercy Medical Center and Siouxland Community Heath Center also some one from Bridgit, DAVE Harkeye/Mission Health 2009 in Sioux City, Iowa. The on going Verichip RFID diabetes blood (alchol) number study program at Mercy Medical Center and Siouxland Community Heath Center leaded by Julie ( Julia, Judy) S HEATON MD, and Steven M BELL/Parker,"TEAM HAVING FUN", Tom Baker, Randy (Randell) L Durston, John Baker (John Beyer), Christina Elizabeth Baker, Lisa Ryan, Lisa Johnson, Hilda Baker, Lisa Becker, Elaine Hansen, Kim Nichols\Johnson\Hansen, Tim David Ryan, Steve Duane Ryan, NATHAN BECKER, Heather McMAHON, GINGER MOORE, JEREMY BEYER in Sioux City, IOWA. You are guilty of Iowa Code 726.7 and USA code 2340 .
2009 Verichip Rfid diabetes blood (alchol) number program at Mercy Medical Center 歡迎Mercy醫療中心蘇城 doctor(s) and "TEAM HAVING FUN" / Bobbi C (Barbie) , Jill BEHRENDT, John Beyer, Amanda Beyer, JIM Wayman/Parker, Christina Heaton/Hansen, Vivian J Hansen, Patty/Jennifer Hansen, Barbara S , Hilda C Baker/Ramirez, Heather McMahon, Sara Hansen, Ginger Moore, Kyle Moore, Trisha MOORE/Hansen, Angela Flanagan/Rumpza/Clark/McMahon/Gonzales/Moore/Smith, Michael Todd Baker, Steve M Bell, Julie Becker, Lisa Becker, Elaine Hansen, Elizabeth (Beth) Parker/Anderson/Hansen/Peterson/Hogancamp, Carolyn/Suzan (TAFT) Wayman-Hansen, Sara Whitlock/BAKER, Julie (Judy) Sheeder/Nichols/Strain,Smithberg/Patterson/Heaton MD and staff on June 2009 using the antenna transmitter of the Sayaka Endoscope Capsule WiFi endoscopy capsulse 膠囊內鏡檢查 pill cam VIDEO) FDA FDA approved pill @Potassium Pill. SISTER FLANAGAN (2016)
JUNE 13 BRENNER/JONTHAN "ITS JUDY'S CASE" "THEY ARE Halo USA CITIZENS" "WHO SHOT BOBBI" (2009) "LETS BID/BUY BREENIE A NEW CELLPHONE" "You Can't Out SMART an Ex CON" BELL/PARKER/HEATON/HANSON RFID Halo CONDITION +Bobbi C(Gary Durston) with "potassium RFID pill" at Mercy +aggravated assault PARKER ++2009 +JULY detraction from Judy n others (MERCY) caused my auto with a stay dog while having Progressive +Mecry (POOL ORDINANCE 游泳池條例 signatures) 2009. +Mercy (diabetes RFID Halo BLOOD NUMBER SUGAR ALCOHOL study 2009) n mind EUGENICS conditioning +Taft at Mercy showed me how to use Novolog n Humalog Insulin. *Elaine party w Caroline Petersen (TAFT) mercy diabetic educator) At MERCY ... RN STeve asked "What was the item in my hand" I said it was a ZUNE music player. 2009 +Baker/ Parker with the gun in the drive way @ Elaine's HOUSE *BREENIE or JAY at Elaine Pool Party 2009 +MOORE/NICHOLS/BECKER DRINKING BUDDY *Hilda Baker argueement with Randy Durston *Randy n Elaine arguement than Elaine n KIM/Trish (cabello BLONDE/rubia GRINGA) arguement "LOWER PROPERTY VALUE (their FOODs SMELLs) , WE OWES INCOME TAXES" *Ramiez/Baker/Castro with the gun *Elaine pool party with Beanie n/or Jay and/or Sara also TAFT (MERCY) *has a JUVENILE record Steve\Jeremy (Bell, Parker) *Judy HANSEN\HANSON (PETERSON SON) *Durston/ Elizabeth, Kim, Elaine agruement outside front porch +2009 Freak RAIN in Sioux City Iowa Sept 11, 2009 +Paker/Beyer Jeremy is selling 可卡因 cocaine. +2010: Judy (Becker/Hansen/Heaton) school tendership/scholarship +2011: March SSI ++MAY 2011 Stotlemyer CNN (Facebook) you CHINK (叮当响) +2013: NO (YES) Eliane/HEATHER/Ginger/PATTY/FRANCIS/PAM/KIM/Trisha/Judy/SARA/ANGELA Rumpaz/Flanagan/Gonzales, JEREMY/JOSHUA/Tracy, MOORE/NICHOLS/Gonzales/Beyer/BECKER/Bell/Johnson (date/child RAPE condition) +2011 condition techiques: Leon (LEAN ON), Movie Star (MOVE OUT), reindeer (BRAIN DEAD) games, old McDonalds, singing, space (2,3,4 bedroom ) war, white power ( 可卡因 cocaine ) n etc. +2009 Verichip Rfid medical program at Mercy 歡迎Mercy醫療中心蘇城 doctor(s)and "TEAM HAVING FUN" / Bobbi C (Barbie) , Jill BEHRENDT, John Beyer, Amanda Beyer, JIM Wayman/Parker, Christina Heaton/Hansen, Vivian J Hansen, Patty/Jennifer Hansen, Barb S , Hilda C Baker/Ramirez/Castro, Heather McMahon, Sara Hansen, Ginger Moore (Nichols\Johnson), Kyle Moore, Trisha MOORE/Hansen, Angela Rumpza/Clark/McMahon/GONZALES/Moore/Smith, Michael Todd Baker, Steve M Bell, Julie Becker, Lisa Becker, Elaine Hansen, Elizabeth (Beth) Parker/Anderson/Hansen/Peterson/HOGANCAMP, Carolyn/Suzan (TAFT) Wayman-Hansen, Sara Whitlock/BAKER, Julie (Judy)Sheeder/Nichols/Strain,Smithberg/Patterson/Heaton MD n staff on June 2009 using the antenna transmitter of the Sayaka Endoscope Capsule WiFi endoscopy capsulse 膠囊內鏡檢查 pill cam VIDEO) FDA approved pill RFID MED Verichip "Potassium Pill" behavior modification EUGENICS conditioning on repeated words, or phases using the ++FAKE VOICES of your FAMILY members, play on words PUNS in English n Chinese, Phishing and Phishing (chinese) during 2009-2016 DAYS n NIGHTS, Weekend, HOLIDAY(s) and VACATION TRIPS along with MEALS and SLEEP with corporation TV BUDDY USA, TVBS新聞 n or CNN use in the diabetic program. Also using this scam/scheme to benefit retirement plans, plans to sell off antiques n college funds. And covering for their JUVENILE n/or criminal record(s) and preventing to pay off bills (payee). +2015 June 28,29 Beyer, Nichols firecrackers ++medical Brain washing/Conditioning techniques /compile words, SINGING,or phases, leading the (patient) witness BELOW list from JUNE 12, 2009-2015 and also Iowa Code 720.2 Perjury U.S. Code 1621 Perjury Nebraska Section 28-915 Perjury South Dakota 22-29-1 Perjury MORE @ Mike Luong's Blog page: dinosaur (crazy son 疯狂的儿子), POOL 水池, barbecue (bobbi killed) money, sioux city iowa ( siouxland HIGHWAY),keep it/for (four 4) real, 1 hour ago (gold), SIMPLE(Diease) MIND (LIE), MAKE IT BELIEVEABLE (car crush), thousand years (bucks), internet (high SPEED (speed-drugs), corn starch 玉米淀粉 ( 可卡因 cocaine ), yes or no (YES I KNOW), tourist (terrorist), Advil ( I WILL), good man, DOES NOT MATTER WHAT YOU(JEW)SAY, privacy (private) law, Mary Jane (Marijuana) (spiderman), 6 months ago (responible), DETOUR, diabetes (糖尿病 bank robber), STAY(safe) FALSE POSTIVE (HIV postive), molasses ( molister ), 醫院 (hospital)leniency, no CONTESSA (no contest), HATE (poem), PISS (porn) star, HOME/CELLPHONE RECORD, century(100 Years) link ), golden (necklace) zipper jacket, rice crispy bar(bar-jail)/noodles (pho), dental (mental therapy), NBC (KTIV (ktHIV), ABC (KCAU/kcaJEW), golden charge (bill), ok person( location), powerball (POWER OF ATTORNEY), gold/ghost/Elaine sign ( cosign ),1 hour (1 dollar), behind you (Jew OPIUM), date rape, censor ship (citizen ship)... SLEEPING and WAKING hours also MEALS. MORE @ Mike Luong's Blog page +DIABETES How to check your diabetic blood . (video) , Diabetes (video) medications taking Novolog (video) , and Levemir (photo) . MY ICU (Intensive Care Unit) STAY AT Mercy on JUNE 6, 2009. Place Insulin and Ivy in Intensive Care at Mercy in Pod 4, found my Diabetic condition on JUNE 8. Well, 2 weeks before my hostpial stay....Hy-Vee on Hamilton, got a manager, told him about dry mouth any products. Hy-Vee refer to Walgreens, Pharmacist about my dry tonque and the swelling. Found products for DRY MOUTH than the Pharmacist mention if the swelling go down find a doctor. Went to Siouxland Community Heath Center , the nurse mention 15-20 wait for the Doctor. Got weighted in at 123POUNDS, very thin (body type)and tired. The wait took about 4hours and looking at my cellphone time for any Doctors to see me.. I tried to call a friend whom works for a NEWS station to ask if its normal for a 4hours wait to see a doctor. Than Dr.Julia S Heaton appeared during the call. I was affended when Dr. Julia S HEATON at Siouxland Community Heath Center asked about sexual history and AIDS after the 4hours wait. Looking at my Dry Mouth. The exam took 10-15minutes refer me to Mercy. At Mercy Medical Center , Dave, Hawk-I/ Mission Health coordinator suggested a Verichip Rfid medical program to pay off medical bills at MERCY, Sioux City, Iowa. I was diagnosed with Adult Diabetes (video) on June 6, 2009 at Mercy and Siouxland Community Health Center by Dr. Julia S Heaton MD and Dr. Michael L Brenner MD. Mercy ,great staff :), The staff in ICU pod 4 was great, and blood techs and found my DIABETES. LIKE to thank ICU staff Barbie (BOBBI) C, head nurse at Mercy, Barb S nurse, Kelly and Steve R BELL was a nurse at 2009. Steve R BELL, in my opinion should have been a doctor, taking all my blood sugar tests and vitals while the Doctor had a Dinner Party. And highly medicated with insulin, lack of sleep in taking blood draws very 15-20minutes, hourly. My mind was in a loopy state of mind, I filled out a 2009 +The on going 2009, to 2015 Verichip Rfid medical study at Mercy 歡迎Mercy醫療中心蘇城 and Siouxland Community Health 依阿華蘇城附近的 leaded/conducted by Julie ( Julia, Judy) S HEATON MD, and Steven M BELL/Parker,"TEAM HAVING FUN", Tom Baker, Randy (Randell) L Durston, John Baker (John Beyer), Christina Elizabeth Baker, Lisa Ryan, Lisa Johnson, Hilda Baker, Lisa Becker, Elaine Hansen, Kim Nichols\Johnson\Hansen, Tim David Ryan, Steve Duane Ryan, in Sioux Ciity, IOWA. You are guilty of Iowa Code 726.7 and USA code 2340 . diabetes 1.5 1.5型糖尿病 During stay at 2009 Mercy, I was educated by TAFT (diabetic education) on diabetic care such as carb counting, using insulin with a needle, education on diabetes. JUNE 11, 2009 release from Mercy Medical Center for Diabetes (video), my blood sugar was at 580 at ICU when they first checked ..BLOOD PRESSURE and Cholesterol was NORMAL. Verichip RFID Halo medical invention USA patient #US7782189 on Aug 24, 2010 and USA patient #US20070008113 A1 issued on Jan. 11 2007 Web Search Topic: Pill Cam THE PRIVACY ACT OF 1974, AND THE FUTURE OF RFID and Iowa Health Privacy Act also RFID Right to Know Act of 2003 Medical Verichip RFID use are in Wisconsin, California , Oklahoma , were banned.Kyle Moore, Trisha MOORE/Hansen, Angela Rumpza/Clark/McMahon/GONZALES/Moore/Smith, Michael Todd Baker, Steve M Bell, Julie Becker, Lisa Becker, Elaine Hansen, Elizabeth (Beth) Parker/Anderson/Hansen/Peterson/HOGANCAMP, Carolyn/Suzan (TAFT) Wayman-Hansen, Sara Whitlock/BAKER, Julie (Judy)Sheeder/Nichols/Strain,Smithberg/Patterson/Heaton MD n staff on June 2009 using the antenna transmitter of the Sayaka Endoscope Capsule WiFi endoscopy capsulse 膠囊內鏡檢查 pill cam VIDEO) FDA approved pill RFID MED Verichip "Potassium Pill" behavior modification EUGENICS conditioning on repeated words, or phases using the ++FAKE VOICES of your FAMILY members, play on words PUNS in English n Chinese, Phishing and Phishing (chinese) during 2009-2016 DAYS n NIGHTS, Weekend, HOLIDAY(s) and VACATION TRIPS along with MEALS and SLEEP with corporation TV BUDDY USA, TVBS新聞 n or CNN use in the diabetic program. Also using this scam/scheme to benefit retirement plans, plans to sell off antiques n college funds. And covering for their JUVENILE n/or criminal record(s) and preventing to pay off bills (payee). +2015 June 28,29 Beyer, Nichols firecrackers ++medical Brain washing/Conditioning techniques /compile words, SINGING,or phases, leading the (patient) witness BELOW list from JUNE 12, 2009-2015 and also Iowa Code 720.2 Perjury U.S. Code 1621 Perjury Nebraska Section 28-915 Perjury South Dakota 22-29-1 Perjury MORE @ Mike Luong's Blog page: dinosaur (crazy son 疯狂的儿子), POOL 水池, barbecue (bobbi killed) money, sioux city iowa ( siouxland HIGHWAY),keep it/for (four 4) real, 1 hour ago (gold), SIMPLE(Diease) MIND (LIE), MAKE IT BELIEVEABLE (car crush), thousand years (bucks), internet (high SPEED (speed-drugs), corn starch 玉米淀粉 ( 可卡因 cocaine ), yes or no (YES I KNOW), tourist (terrorist), Advil ( I WILL), good man, DOES NOT MATTER WHAT YOU(JEW)SAY, privacy (private) law, Mary Jane (Marijuana) (spiderman), 6 months ago (responible), DETOUR, diabetes (糖尿病 bank robber), STAY(safe) FALSE POSTIVE (HIV postive), molasses ( molister ), 醫院 (hospital)leniency, no CONTESSA (no contest), HATE (poem), PISS (porn) star, HOME/CELLPHONE RECORD, century(100 Years) link ), golden (necklace) zipper jacket, rice crispy bar(bar-jail)/noodles (pho), dental (mental therapy), NBC (KTIV (ktHIV), ABC (KCAU/kcaJEW), golden charge (bill), ok person( location), powerball (POWER OF ATTORNEY), gold/ghost/Elaine sign ( cosign ),1 hour (1 dollar), behind you (Jew OPIUM), date rape, censor ship (citizen ship)... SLEEPING and WAKING hours also MEALS. MORE @ Mike Luong's Blog page +DIABETES How to check your diabetic blood . (video) , Diabetes (video) medications taking Novolog (video) , and Levemir (photo) . MY ICU (Intensive Care Unit) STAY AT Mercy on JUNE 6, 2009. Place Insulin and Ivy in Intensive Care at Mercy in Pod 4, found my Diabetic condition on JUNE 8. Well, 2 weeks before my hostpial stay....Hy-Vee on Hamilton, got a manager, told him about dry mouth any products. Hy-Vee refer to Walgreens, Pharmacist about my dry tonque and the swelling. Found products for DRY MOUTH than the Pharmacist mention if the swelling go down find a doctor. Went to Siouxland Community Heath Center , the nurse mention 15-20 wait for the Doctor. Got weighted in at 123POUNDS, very thin (body type)and tired. The wait took about 4hours and looking at my cellphone time for any Doctors to see me.. I tried to call a friend whom works for a NEWS station to ask if its normal for a 4hours wait to see a doctor. Than Dr.Julia S Heaton appeared during the call. I was affended when Dr. Julia S HEATON at Siouxland Community Heath Center asked about sexual history and AIDS after the 4hours wait. Looking at my Dry Mouth. The exam took 10-15minutes refer me to Mercy. At Mercy Medical Center , Dave, Hawk-I/ Mission Health coordinator suggested a Verichip Rfid medical program to pay off medical bills at MERCY, Sioux City, Iowa. I was diagnosed with Adult Diabetes (video) on June 6, 2009 at Mercy and Siouxland Community Health Center by Dr. Julia S Heaton MD and Dr. Michael L Brenner MD. Mercy ,great staff :), The staff in ICU pod 4 was great, and blood techs and found my DIABETES. LIKE to thank ICU staff Barbie (BOBBI) C, head nurse at Mercy, Barb S nurse, Kelly and Steve R BELL was a nurse at 2009. Steve R BELL, in my opinion should have been a doctor, taking all my blood sugar tests and vitals while the Doctor had a Dinner Party. And highly medicated with insulin, lack of sleep in taking blood draws very 15-20minutes, hourly. My mind was in a loopy state of mind, I filled out a 2009 +The on going 2009, to 2015 Verichip Rfid medical study at Mercy 歡迎Mercy醫療中心蘇城 and Siouxland Community Health 依阿華蘇城附近的 leaded/conducted by Julie ( Julia, Judy) S HEATON MD, and Steven M BELL/Parker,"TEAM HAVING FUN", Tom Baker, Randy (Randell) L Durston, John Baker (John Beyer), Christina Elizabeth Baker, Lisa Ryan, Lisa Johnson, Hilda Baker, Lisa Becker, Elaine Hansen, Kim Nichols\Johnson\Hansen, Tim David Ryan, Steve Duane Ryan, in Sioux Ciity, IOWA. You are guilty of Iowa Code 726.7 and USA code 2340 . diabetes 1.5 1.5型糖尿病 During stay at 2009 Mercy, I was educated by TAFT (diabetic education) on diabetic care such as carb counting, using insulin with a needle, education on diabetes. JUNE 11, 2009 release from Mercy Medical Center for Diabetes (video), my blood sugar was at 580 at ICU when they first checked ..BLOOD PRESSURE and Cholesterol was NORMAL. Verichip RFID Halo medical invention USA patient #US7782189 on Aug 24, 2010 and USA patient #US20070008113 A1 issued on Jan. 11 2007 Web Search Topic: Pill Cam THE PRIVACY ACT OF 1974, AND THE FUTURE OF RFID and Iowa Health Privacy Act also RFID Right to Know Act of 2003 Medical Verichip RFID use are in Wisconsin, California , Oklahoma , were banned.Kyle Moore, Trisha MOORE/Hansen, Angela Flanagan/Rumpza/Clark/McMahon/
Gonzales/Moore/Smith, Michael Todd Baker, Steve M Bell, Julie Becker, Lisa Becker, Elaine Hansen, Elizabeth (Beth) Parker/Anderson/Hansen/
Peterson/Hogancamp, Carolyn/
Suzan (TAFT) Wayman-Hansen, Sara Whitlock/BAKER, Julie (Judy) Sheeder/Nichols/Strain,
Smithberg/Patterson/Heaton MD and staff on June 2009 using the antenna transmitter of the Sayaka Endoscope Capsule WiFi endoscopy capsulse 膠囊內鏡檢查 pill cam VIDEO) FDA FDA approved pill @Potassium Pill. The patient is condition to use one familiar dominant language (Chinese) in behavior modification conditioning on repeated words, or phases using the FAKE VOICES of your FAMILY members, play on words in English (live and live from) and Chinese, Phishing and Phis
hing (chinese) during Days n Nights, Day n Weekend trips , Holiday n Vaction trips along with Meals n Sleep with corporation TV BUDDY USA and or CNN use in the diabetic program. Also using this scam/scheme to benefit early retirement plans, plan to sell off assets (antiques) and college funds. And covering for their JUVENILE and or criminal record(s) and preventing to pay off bills (payee). This on going 2009,~2014, Verichip Rfid medical study at Mercy Medical Center 歡迎Mercy醫療中心蘇城 and Sio
uxland Community Health 依阿華蘇城附近的 leaded/
conducted by Julie ( Julia, Judy) S HEATON MD, and Steven M BELL/Parker.
Medical Brain washing/Conditioning
techniques /compile words, SINGING or phases, leading the (patient) witness BELOW list from JUNE 12, 2009-2014 and also Iowa Code 720.2 Perjury U.S. Code 1621 Perjury Nebraska Section 28-915 Perjury South Dakota 22-29-1 Perjury diabetes 1.5 1.5型糖尿病
CRACKER (餅乾), dinosaur (crazy son 疯狂的儿子), thousand years (bucks), sioux city iowa ( siouxland HIGHWAY), keep it/for (four 4) real, EVERYTHING/NOTTHING, SIMPLE MIND (LIE), MAKE IT BELIEVEABLE (car crush), diet Pepi/COKE dealer, 金項鍊 this year CHARGE, NEXT Presidental ELECTION(natural Selection), yes or no (YES I KNOW), Boston robber(robbery), HOME/
CELLPHONE RECORD, internet (SUGAR HIGH (speed-drugs), CLOSE/NOT (Gold) ENOUGH, space war, CORN STARCH 玉米淀粉 ( 可卡因 cocaine ), n
ew wave, DOES NOT MATTER WHAT YOU SAY, straw MUSHROOM, Kool-Aid, nice to meet you -Jew, small dick ( lunatic),chinese exclusion act (USA) 中国排华法案, HOME record, 医院 lean (lessen), tourist (terrorist), Advil ( I WILL), good man, Mary Jane (Marijuana) Watson (spiderman), next to nothing, from your own mouth, dirty old (memory) man, privacy (private) law, reindeer (BRAIN DEAD) 6 months ago (responible), SAFE WORD, POOL 水池, misconduct, diabetes (糖尿病 bank robber), stay (safe) O postive (HIV postive), 金項鍊 charge, dinosaur (疯 crazy) 疯狂的儿子( crazy son), molasses ( molister ), no CONTESSA (no contest), 瘋狂的人 (crazy man), rice crispy bar (bar-jail), Counter SUE, LG (Life Good) phone, HATE (poem), OCEAN BACK/APART, PISS (porn) star, myquest (century(100 Years) link ), golden (necklace) 金項鍊 , gold zipper jacket 金拉鍊外套 , gold/ghost rider, crispy noodles (pho), dental therapy ( mental therapy), NBC (KTIV (ktHIV), ABC (KCAU/kcaJEW), golden charge (bill), ok person( location), powerball (POWER OF ATTORNEY), patient rights, gold/ghost/Elaine sign (cosign ),1 hour (1 dollar), urine Nazi police, microsoft MSN (Master of Science in Nursing), behind you (Jew OPIUM), gold star, YES I KNOW, date rape, hands always moves (手总是举动 手机 (cellphone), censor ship (citizen ship), 100 (90, 80, 70,etc.) miles- feet, yards, MUSICA(music), inches, store, sodium (salty ((guitly)), Presdent Martinez (Event TV Show), diet Coke/Pepsi (coke-drugs), how are you( jew), pretty much, gold standard, split (different) personality, cheapskate (seagate), sioux city iowa ( iowa highway), ocean back, hawaii daddy 夏威夷的爸爸 , genius, false positive (positive HIV), right
s of accused, detour, dalerks, Bun Rieu Cua moan, menu, (loan) you, banh xeo (bun cell) cell block (jail), banh beo (bun bill) bill, banh cuon (bun nook, house), 99 (89, 79, 69, 59, 49, 39, 29, 19 ) cent, WinMX (randy lee durston/peterson/baker), count down as in PASSWORD number code (10, 9, 8, 7, july 4 (45), and etc. ), Warstorm card, Blue summoner (SUMMON), Red Tide (Bootlicker) ,(gold) (bro)mance, car accident, make it like a accident, nice to meet (you- Jew), Pawn (PORN) Stars, US Mashall Matters ( does not matters), penality, cargill (car kill) douchebag, garbage can (bonus) family, timeline, 1,000 years (dollars) Vietnamese heart, vi
llage idot, Sprint (Verizon) bill, good (digital) memory, USB, no record, 6 month of gold, for real, lunatic, make it beliveable, bible study, bible laws (christian right), bible belt, everything(refer to items), nothing (refer to items), no thank you, white cell, Cha Gio Chay, prison riot, multiple personality disorder, decline (deny) citizenship, health care, pretty much, take his money and run, nobody, werewolf custom (rainbow - mental, golden, straight jacket), 5 hour (5 dollars), outlaw, from your mouth, no alternatives, business side, very good, business scam, scholarship (retirement) money, Mama says, Janet Reno, reindeer games, old macdonald, LAST CHANCE (Biggest Loser) privacy law/act (Ghou privacy), reindeer (brain death), yes or no, this year 今年 , home record, body bag, public intoxication, rice crispy bar, wedding to go to, policy (Sioux City, Sioux Falls, Hong Kong) no job (blow job), BODY oder/double/BAG , dam Jew (JULIE, JULIA), dirty JULIE (dirty cops), hash money, safe word, good marriage, upside down, smart as hell, good answer, bank robber, white/soild gold, diamonds, auctioner (ocean a part), extra crispy noodles, Warstorm card (red summoner), home records (records) 3600 Jackson St..(Jackson Recovery) ..3600 Jones St ( Jones Station) ..TJ Max (Target store)
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