Iwas born in Melbourne, Australia in 1969 from emigrated Italianparents.
Ever since a kid i've always had a love for the “sound”of music. I was always in front of the radio listening to all radiostations for hours and hours and by the end of the week i would makemy own chart of preference like as if It was the official top 40!

Itwas great fun.

Thanksto the high quality radio stations in Australia back in those days(70's-80's) and to my brother ten years older than me, i was able toappreciate and understand various musical genres. I still rememberthe first disc i bought when i was 11 years old, it was UltravoxVienna… Out of curiosity: in later years I had the opportunity towork on the same multitrack on which Vienna was recorded... an oldMCI now property of Mauro Pagani. Funny!

In1984 my family and i (by now 15 years old), moved to Italy. Here Icontinued studies in foreign languages but always keeping an ear outfor whatever was musical and art in general. I was playing withvarious local bands as a singer but that wasn't enough... and by theend of the 80's i was eager to fulfill my ambition and become anaudio engineer. I bought an eight track quarter inch Fostex taperecorder with a 12 channel mixer of the same brand and went aroundrecording and producing all local bands!

Early90's afterfinishing my college studies i moved to London. Here I attended anAudio Engineering course at the S.A.E. (Schoolof Audio Engineering London).Straight after moved to Milano where i taught and helped out thestudents in the local S.A.E. School.

Duringthis period I met MauroPagani and PaoloIafelice andhooked up with themas an assistant for their new recording studio, NextStudios whichthen become the be the great OfficineMeccaniche,one of Italy's best studios. I soon became along with colleaguePaolo the resident audio engineer for the studio from 1998 to 2001.

Herei worked with many of the biggest italian and international artiststhe likes of Adriano Celentano, Roberto Vecchioni, Vinicio Caposella,Articolo 31, Manu Chao and John Mc.Lauglin.

Atthe end of 2001 I left Officine Meccaniche and began my carrier as afreelance sound engineer. Furthermore, between one job and another,with my dear friend Enrico Decolle, we joined forces to begin amusical duo called Breakfast,with three lp's to this date.

Continuingrecording and mixing all through the 00's... my aim kept on being todeliver a round heavy sound to rock music and deep sparkling soundto pop.

Inthese years I enjoyed working with many of the best alternativeitalian rock bands such as Afterhours, Verdena and Almamegretta.

Soundto me has always been very important so to further fulfill my passioni started tweaking as a mastering engineer as well.

Thepossibilities are endless, a great master will always make thedifference from a great sounding track and a memorable classic.

Masteringis another passion that i will keep on doing alongside productionrecording and mixing.

Ready to freak out?

Tobe continued...

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