Band was formed in 2002.
in Netherlands, where four childhood friends found refuge from their war-torn hometown Zenica in Bosnia. After ten years of hard working, and two releases behind them (Self-Titled Album, 2006.; Analogue Breakfast EP, 2007.), it’s time to join Geenger family!

They are musical testimony fueled by blasting and occasionally distorted guitar riffs, vocals singing and screaming deep from both singer’s throat and heart, and elephant-like stomping rhythm section.

Touring frequently from its beginning, Makazoruki has played several times all great Dutch venues such as Paradiso, Melkweg, Vera and others. They were lucky to share the bill with great bands like Gone Bald, Obojeni Program, Peach Pit, Jacuzzi’s Attempt, Terrie The Ex, Vuneny, and many others.

This foursome is one of the most exciting bands in the Dutch music scene today.NARROMINDED(NL)

The mix of great technical guitarmusic, epic parlandos and apocalyptic noise bursts from time to time make this debut album on of the most interesting albums of the year... MASHNOTE (B)

...radi se o sjajnom modernom rocku 21. stoljeca koji je lisen bilo kakve trenutne pomodarne struje u korist veoma dobro osmisljenih kompozicija gdje se izgara 'do daske'. TERAPIJA(HR)

...Fuelled by dark guitars and spitting bass, the song is caked in dynamics before spinning into a punchy monotone diatribe. STAYFUN(UK)

..It is wonderful, filled with great dynamic songs that build a wave of gratifying rock in the best manner, using the same manners but keeping it real so as to get nowhere near the blandness and style-over-matter manners of modern alternative rock...CRACKED(NL)

vec na prvo slusanje lako je zakljuciti da se radi o rasnom noise bandu,ciji su clanovi dobro upuceni u muzicko naslijedje pa u zvuk ugradjuju samo najprobanije sastojke START(BiH)

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