Makar’s spontaneous,blues-infused songs tap into a particular vein of optimism and melancholy,responding to our fractured modern culture with an eclectic and literate blendof indie rock.
A self-described“...dark and groovy little New York band,” Makar was formed in 2002 by husbandand wife Andrea DeAngelis and Mark Purnell. It was not their intention to builda band around their union but after a fruitless search to join respective groups,they dared each other to write their own material. Before long we embarked ontheir first nail biting NY gigs, releasing their debut album, 99 Cent Dreams,later that year.

It wasn’t long beforethe band’s tunes were recognized on a national scale. Their music video for “IHate My Job” received late night rotation on MTV2, they were voted into 2015’sTop Ten Indie Guitar Bands alongside MGMT, Vampire Weekend and Ra Ra Riot whileRust Magazine called their sophomore album, Funeral Genius, an “...indie rockmasterpiece.”

Their latest album,Fancy Hercules, was forged in the fires of quarantine and much like Hercules,who made it through his twelve labors smiting every beast, Andrea and Marktranscended their own personal tragedies duringthe recording - losing both of their mothers while attempting to navigate thechanging landscape of their city. The resulting recording encompasses all thatis holy about rock n roll, chalk full of mystery, great riffs, and a wildspectrum of subject matter. “We never run out of ideas,” asserts Mark. “We haveso many it’s frankly overwhelming - like a spigot that can’t be turned off.”

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